ALMATY -- As Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to express his intention to regroup the former Soviet states under Moscow's control, citizens of those Central Asian nations continue to say "no way".
Putin made the latest pronouncement during the programme "Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin" on April 19 on state-owned television channel Russia-1.
On the programme, the Russian leader touted the "advantages" of restoring the Soviet Union.
"By conquering a phobia of the past and fears of a revival of the Soviet Union and of the Soviet empire ... the understanding that unification benefits everyone is inevitably prevailing," he said.
![Russian President Vladimir Putin during a video call with other Russian leaders on April 13. [Kremlin]](/cnmi_ca/images/2020/04/27/23754-putin__2_-585_329.jpg)
Russian President Vladimir Putin during a video call with other Russian leaders on April 13. [Kremlin]
"And, conscious of these advantages -- and all the participants in this process are conscious of these advantages -- we are advancing," he added.
It is surprising that "up until now, we haven't moved forward on this path as much as we could have," said Putin.
For the former Soviet republics, it is "completely natural" to improve their competitiveness by unifying, he claimed.
'Imperial urges'
Putin's statements have provoked anxiety among many citizens of former Soviet states who understand his subtext.
His remarks demonstrate he is not even trying to hide his political goals, said Almaty political analyst Dastan Kadyrzhanov.
"For some countries, this [reunification] would mean a loss of independence," he said, adding that "there should be no expectations of gaining any nice bonuses from any reunification."
Readers of news stories about Putin's statements published on Kazakh websites expressed anger and indignation in their comments, and some even insulted the Russian leader.
"We don't need the USSR. His imperial urges are big. I personally support the independence of our homeland," wrote a reader named Sayan.
"We don't need any USSRs. The vestiges of the USSR -- the famine and the Zheltoksan in 1986 -- are enough," wrote a commenter named Khyuvei, referring to the Kazakh death toll during the Soviet forced collectivisation of the 1930s and the bloody suppression of Kazakh youths' protests a half-century later.
The same sentiments were echoed in Kyrgyzstan.
Emil Umetaliyev, a Bishkek resident who runs a travel agency called Kyrgyz Concept, posted a poll on Facebook to find out if the Kyrgyz people support a revival of the USSR.
All of the approximately 300 respondents voted no.
The Kremlin has been engaged in this plan to restore the Soviet Union since 2000, said Bishkek resident Aiya Aaly in a comment on Umetaliyev's post.
"Groups were created on all the social networks, especially the Russian Odnoklassniki, to revive and attract people to 'Soviet nostalgia' and to brainwash them," she wrote.
"But of course, the deadliest weapon is television: the Russian channels and propagandists represented by Solovyov and Kiselyov [presenters on Kremlin-controlled TV channels], sow lies and propaganda without being challenged. So it's important to cleanse our country's information space of their influence," Aaly added.
EEU dissatisfaction
Putin made similar remarks in an interview last October 1 in Yerevan, Armenia, during a summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), a Russian-dominated economic bloc.
Central Asian countries that were once part of the Soviet Union are not going to buy Putin's argument that they will enjoy "advantages" if they reunite with Russia, especially given Moscow's mistreatment of other EEU members, say analysts.
Dissatisfaction within the EEU has been growing because of harsh protectionist policies that the Russian regime has implemented against its EEU partners, solidifying evidence that the bloc benefits only Moscow.
Those polices have left Russia with unresolved conflicts with other members including Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka January 21 expressed outrage about actions taken by Moscow that included raising prices on Russian oil exports to Minsk, Belta, the Belarusian state news agency, reported.
At the same time, Russia, which is a transit country for trade between Kazakhstan and Belarus, has blocked the export of hydrocarbons from the former to the latter.
For its part, Kazakhstan regularly complains that Russian authorities create artificial barriers to the sale of Kazakh products in Russia, including confiscation of those products.
The EEU does not truly have an economic mission, according to Rasul Zhumaly of Almaty, a former Kazakh diplomat and author of the book "Geopolitics in Central Asia".
Instead, it is a political project of Russia to restore the status quo: its influence on the post-Soviet region, he said.
Chicken ass Putin doesn’t have the balls to restore the Soviet Union the eu will hang him and his friend Ching Chong lx of China only likes a weak Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Looking at the comments, I see Nazi degenerates have gathered here.
ReplyThey're more likely reasonable people
Reply773 Comment(s)
Let there be no mistake about who putin is...a scum sucking, bottom feeding secret police thug who has less than zero conscience about humanity even amongst his own. I hope that he and the morons that actually support him get the justice they deserve.
ReplyOnly the EXECUTION of all the relatives, including grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia should be driven out from Kazakhstan; send Russians to their homeland, Moskals
Reply773 Comment(s)
Not one iota of weath will save these evil monster murderous corrupted demons in the end. All will leave their riches and fame behind them, and every one will die like a poor man. All die hard core, except the poor man who gave all for to save his fellow beings, and the earth therein. The poor man will die with honor. When you die, make sure there is nothing left in your bank account, only an inhertiance to your children, but be sure, you will leave with nothing, you will leave it all behind, and you only have what you did in this life when you pass.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin and his gangsters who run the country live in pallaces flash card yaughts free life style you name it 3quaters of the Russian population live in fear and squaler ,it's time for them all to rise up turn against the gangsters wipe them as Nd their whole families out .they done it with the tsars in the past.snd do the same in bellarus .vain folk narcissists .
Reply773 Comment(s)
All glory to those who love us and have freed us from our sins by shedding thier blood for us. We have been made a Kingdom of priests for God. All glory and power to God forever and ever...Amen.
ReplyGlory to all saviors who shed their blood for our sins, so that many shall be saved. Life is short but the savior lives on!!!
Reply773 Comment(s)
"Regarding the intention to regroup the former Soviet states under Moscow's control," Putin lambasted it in his non-existent "presidential election campaign" in 2000 because he was not elected but appointed by the Soviet SCSE for reaching the SCSE goal to keep Communists in power. That's what is happening in Ukraine today. There's no imaginary de-Nazification of Ukraine, but the de-Democratisation of Ukraine with the "Holodomorian" Communist destruction of infrastructure and civilian life in Ukraine. Primitive idiot Putin only fantasises he's sharp, but everybody can see he's a bonehead cop, "unter Prishibeyev", hangman - "a piece of meat with teeth." (Dostoevsky)
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin drew not criticism but recognition of himself as a non-entity. At the same time, we understand that Putin has been appointed to be a sucker for his master "We, the Russian people", founding and establishing "presidents," countermen, butlers, valets, and other Putin serfs. Those who don't understand it can kill themselves by banging their head against the wall. "Putin sucks! Long live Our Majesty, the Russian People!"
Reply773 Comment(s)
Watch as China invades Siberia as Putler's retarded sewer rats mouth off about bringing back the USSR. Bunch of terrorist pedophiles back stabbing each other.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Those little czars and bais [large landowners in Central Asia] don't want to lose their grip on the ordinary people. They try to line their pockets at the common people's expense.
ReplyThere are no ordinary people, just like there are no kinglings or bais.
ReplyThe "ordinary people" shoved a steel rod up "kingling" Gaddafi's arse before they leg-kicked him in the face and killed him. Because that Lybian Putin didn't understand "ordinary people" are a very delicate and complex matter.
773 Comment(s)
Do Russians still wash their vegetables in toilets (in those houses that have one)?
ReplyNot Russian but Soviet, proletarian-communist "people" of every ethnicity in Russia
Reply773 Comment(s)
What is the reason to say "proletarians of the world unite"?
ReplyLike those non-Russians. How do you have this experience, you dim bulb?
Reply"Proletarians of the world, shag!" is the right one.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I love the Ukrainian flag: It is yellow-gold and sky-blue. It reminds me of fields of gold under a clear blue sky, peaceful colors. Before me stretches great fields of grain and tall grass, and a blue sky dotted with slight winds, and fair weather. Though the storms of winter hath poured water on my soul, and dampened my spirit, the Son is revealed to dry my tears. A new day is born. A fresh bounty is given unto us...
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russian scum. I hate theose fuckers now. Kill them. Brutal murderous liars they prove themselves to be. I used to be accepting of Russian culture but not anymore!!!! Thank you little blue-eyed devil men for that. Russians will pay for what they did to Ukraine and Chechnya, and Georgia. Death to Putin and Russian Regime!!!
ReplyWhat did they pay you for these comments? Did they reduce your mortgage or APR or simply give you some food and money?
ReplyAnother retarded Vatnik pig and pedophile who loves slavery and genocide. Sickening disgrace to humanity.
ReplyIt's not Russian but Communist scum. Russians themselves have suffered from Communist scum. The fact that the Communist centre is geographically located in the Kremlin in "the Russian capital" automatically makes Russians seen in a psychologically negative light. Russians, like the other Soviet peoples, protested against pathetically failing Communism in January 2021. 123 Russian cities demanded Putin "Suck it!"
ReplyDon't love slavery, don't love pedophiles. Celibate, as should be. Who is sick to think such things?
ReplyNo payment for comments. Don't own a home, no APR. All food and money is God's, only borrow for short time...
Reply773 Comment(s)
Faggots are striving to drive a wedge between Russia and Asia; the author of this article is likely one of them
ReplyFilthy Russki swine!!
ReplyAre you showing that you are worth your allowance?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russian pigs
Reply773 Comment(s)
May these murderers die! May their souls rest in the USSR. They are fully covered with the blood of innocent children, women and older people. Dictators like Putin see themselves as cleaners. Look what they've done, how many people of various backgrounds they have killed.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I read comments left a few years back... Those against commies are right! Do you want communism, Russian jingoists? You Nazis, go live in North Korea and survive your communism cursed by all reasonable people!
ReplyYou incorrectly define "Nazism" as something modern Russia needs. Nazism is merely the power seized by the military, not a political ideology, because the military has arms, and weapons breed power.
ReplyDo you remember when "Pashka-Mercedes" refused to execute the SCSE order "to run over Beslan schoolchildren with tanks?" Pashka's Nazism is necessary for Russia to oust that bastard Putin. Don't you get it? Then die! [Pashka-Mercedes was a popular nickname of Pavel Grachev, the defence minister under Yeltsin]
773 Comment(s)
If you Russians are not slaves to Putin, take to the streets and overthrow these gangsters
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia is a shitty country
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia is a backwater and needs to be broken up.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The Kazakhs are and have been underdeveloped, to say nothing of the Kyrgyz.
ReplyRussia is a shithole of the world. Why are you yapping, you serf, didn't you filth get your scraps?
Reply[Unclear who the author is referring to] Was in this hole, scum
ReplyKazakhs are great people! Unlike filthy Russki swine...
ReplyYou are a cutie, aren't you? They are filthy Russky swine, but you are the only cutie here
ReplyYou Russian monkey, do you take your garbage to the dumpster or dump it on the staircase like my neighbours do?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Bring the USSR BACK
ReplyYou'll suck it
Reply773 Comment(s)
well yes but blame it on democracy, better rebuild new and different types of government in the future that will out rival marxism, socialism, communism, democracy, and capitalism because the genius socrates did not give a dam answer when he is still alive charged with corruption of the mind on the youth and sentence to die by drinking poison
Reply773 Comment(s)
You freaking Putin degenerate, it is the ChKGB that kills the people and is getting ready to dismember Mordorstan; the ChKGB created the new soon-to-be countries in Mordor: Tyva, Yakutia, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, Mordoviya, Buryatia and other so-called republics. They have their own local parliaments, coats of arms, flags, and government institutions; only Russians got nothing - Russians are the ones the ChKGB has been killing for more than a century and will kill them all. So when the degenerate writes, "didn't wash them off the face of the Earth and destroy like the republics", the ChKGB has made a belt out of the buffer countries around Mordor and now is poised to destroy Mordor with a civil war and hunger while setting up new nations out of the republics currently inside Mordor - read THE GOLGOTHA OPERATION. It's a clear example of a Harvard project; under the guise of "wild capitalism," the ChKGB pillaged Mordor for three trillion dollars and killed 50 million people inside Mordor. Now they are ready to kill 30 million people more in the coming years, then a war, famine, collapse and widespread cannibalism. Mordor lives under the ChKGB; they are leading it to the self-destruction of its people by the dog killers in uniform; there are millions of these sadists inside Mordorstan, an army of killers, rapists, sadists in uniform in every city ready to kill, rape, pilfer their people with excitement. They will do it in the coming years.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Who are you to yelp here? All your aul [village] comes over to Russia, you sleep like pigs in barns, eat Doshirak [cheap Chinese instant noodles], just so that we can give you some chicken feed, and you dare to condemn us; Russia has always fed you; if you don't like it, harvest your cotton, eat your melons, and, most important, get your street sweepers out of Russia
ReplyAre you already evading mobilisation in the Kazakhstan you hate so much? ;)
ReplyDon't sweep streets in Russia. We are earning same money in our land. If your brain is not going to work your hands will. You are going to to to Russia to sweep streets. Still a dream of USSR is breeding in everyone's brains. It seems like in yours too. Don't let Uzbekistan to be enslaved again even if you will starve.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Everything that transpires in filthy, concentration camp-like Russia has been described in the GOLGOTHA PLAN, including the war with Ukraine and the new Iron Curtain and the reinstatement of the USSR. Read it and you will be surprised! "Operation Golgotha. The Secret Plan of Perestroika."
Reply773 Comment(s)
The funny thing is Russia was originally an Asian country that took on a European guise...
ReplyRussia is not a country; Russia is a concentration camp - a crematorium - a colony - in essence, a prison - where those in uniform and officials KILL, RAPE, AND ROB aborigines.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Goodness, what a spiteful article and comments!!! People, come to your senses! I'm Russian; my husband is Korean; I have many friends of different ethnic backgrounds; we respect each other, want peace, want to raise our kids, and sit at one table where we can eat, drink, and sing songs together! I just want to know what kind of mother brought up such violent kids?! Every mother wants her child treated kindly. But one has to be kind to enjoy others' kindness; that's how every mother should raise her kids!!!
ReplyCheck with the Ukraine
ReplyAsk your husband why he chose you, not a Korean woman. The answer will surprise you. Spoiler: he was Judas among his peers. The charade here is when a Russian is a decent human being, he chooses a wife who is not Russian and vice versa; if someone other than Russian gets morally and ethically degraded, he chooses a Russian wife. There are exceptions, of course, like Victor Tsoi, but if you listen to his songs, he didn't value Soviet society.
ReplyFucking lying dirty whore! Go die
ReplyRussians can be very good only after death...
Reply773 Comment(s)
The North Caucasus hates Russkies even more than Asians do!!! Only the total destruction of this Mordor and drunk dirty Orcs will save the world!!!
ReplyEspecially Chechnya marking its presence in Syria with the killings of their Sunni brothers and Ukraine. Sad but true, Caucasians are no better than Russians
Reply773 Comment(s)
May this shitty Russia burn in hell along with Putin the freak
Reply773 Comment(s)
Those smart-ass Moscals are looking for folks dumber than themselves and are very disappointed they are not finding anyone.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Slavs will leave, giving way to the Chinese, and the Mongol-Kazakhs are going to have hell to pay then (there are no pure-blooded Kazakhs)
Reply773 Comment(s)
These comments! A former citizen of the USSR will never say in five words what may be written with 50,000. Especially a Russian. The Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of the novels everyone was writing and hurling novels at one another. Death by Putin poison in your underpants is horrible, but at least it is less painful than death by prose.
ReplyDeath to queeRussia!!
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russkies are poor and dumb but sort of proud...
ReplyA dignified person would never kill their fellow human for a couple of chicken drumsticks supplied by an ideological enemy of the recent past.
Reply773 Comment(s)
All the whining about the USSR is an attempt to foul up Russia with Central Asian migrants legally, only this time under the "Soviet" pretext, since the one on efficient management doesn't work. Everything already looks black because of these hordes of savages from the freakishly proud, and damned profoundly independent, Bantustans, who are willing to be slaves for food. Get out of here, and far away, chasing after the Khokhols [derogatory term for Ukrainians]; all we have here because of you is crime and drugs. Russians don't need these kinds of freaking "unions."
ReplyGeopolitics existed in the USSR, but it was just the Geschäft [shady deals] between Russian and Central Asian organized crime groups. Plus piggybacking on the notions of the past that many people hold dear since the time when the country was the world leader.
ReplyBut these current third-world petty republics (including Euro-Ukraine, Euro-Moldova, and others that are less-than-Euro) used to live in a relatively civilized manner, and not in the Middle Ages.
When was the country a world leader?.. Only if in killing people, tortures, prisons, Holodomors, wars. How many NKVD killers did they execute? Zero. So they keep ruling, and it's going to be war, famine, Gulags, jails, sadism, and cannibalism en masse everywhere in the Russian zone.
ReplyRussia is a world pariah and terrorist. Nobody freaking cares about Russia. I hope it'll end up isolated even more, this jingoistic Nazi less-than-empire. Glory to Ukraine
ReplyGlory to the heroes!!
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's all the more reason Russians DON'T NEED you! But explain this: why is the number of Asian mugs that has Russian citizenship growing?
ReplyThe Union of the Soviet paederast republics goes to itself!!
ReplyWe are coming for you in secret to turn you out. You realise you're faggots, don't you? You killed your own children in Beslan.
Reply773 Comment(s)
growing up in america you see russia and putin as symbols of strength even after collapse of the union and their economy they still held strong now that i am an adult and seeing even russia, seeing putin letting his country be conquered through immigration I have lost all respect for putin, that was the last vestige from the cancer of immigration, the poor mans take over satan spreading his seed across the world russia was the glimmer of hope only to find out they know they are falling as well and letting it happen, makes me see there is no where left no one with the balls to protect their nation and it's people from simple immigration? you are a weak coward and a bitch if you knowingly continue to allow that to happen a disgrace to russia and a traitor to your own people and nation .
ReplyWhat kind of brain fart is this?
ReplyPutin is allowing his country to be conquered through immigration.
"Putin is allowing his country to be conquered through immigration."
Reply"Putin is allowing his country to be conquered through immigration." - THANKS for the TRUTH!!! We don't believe our eyes! But YES! Putin is willingly mixing up the most powerful people - the Russians - with apes from Asia and the Caucasus!
The only primates are the Russian racists and fascists. Russkis are 90% Nazis and brazen immigrants who come in droves, nothing more; I hope Russia breaks into a thousand pieces. It's karma, and a them getting what's coming for all the evil Russia has done.
ReplyRussian moscovites are scum of the earth
Reply773 Comment(s)
Does Russia still maintain a friendly relationship with anybody, I wonder? Whoever attacks Russia, no one will deter [that country], unlike World War 2; on the contrary, they will all join in. To all Turkic brothers, Salam from Azerbaijan!
ReplyAnd when and who deterred those who aspired to attack Russia? Was it indeed you, you Asian apes that Russia turned into homo sapiens and then gave statehood, economy, and social structure to?!
Reply773 Comment(s)
All Muslims need to unite
ReplyYou have united long ago already, you golliwog monkeys.
ReplyNot only Muslims but the whole world has stood up to these sorry ass Russian pigs as one. Soon shitty Russia will kick the bucket
ReplyWay to go!
Reply773 Comment(s)
Why insulting each other like this; why all this hatred? There are no bad nationalities, only bad people. I respect all nationalities very much; may God grant them prosperity. I respect Muslims and other religions. So many people live in Russia; I know no one in my circle that harbors the kind of hatred that I have encountered here. Kazakhs, Uzbeks live here with us; we wish them well on their holidays, and they do the same for us. I am friends with a Kyrgyz woman; she's such a lovely person. Why all this, why this hatred towards Russians? I have not insulted anyone personally; I teach children that respect comes first. And the majority of people in our country are decent and kind, just like in other countries. We are neither better nor worse than others; please don't insult us, and forgive us.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The word USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) contains four errors. First, it was not a union, but a colony. There were also not councils, but a Moscow-led dictatorship. There was also no socialism, only slavery. And there were no republics where the people got to choose their leaders. The USSR is evil.
ReplyYes, the USSR was the slavery of the Russian people forced by the Communist party to carry you on their backs, Asians and people from the Caucasus!
55,000,000,000 rubles ($1 = 0.68 ruble) ANNUALLY allocated for the Soviet republics from the late 50s till the late 80s. But ONLY RUSSIANS AND BELARUSSIANS earned this money!!!
ReplySocial security and benefits for Asian heroine mothers that gave birth as if they were machines. A chronically pregnant Asia devoured Russians! The population growth for Kazakhs and Tajiks was seven times higher after World War 2, but Russians were dying off! Look up "Finances in the USSR" (1978). They taught you how to read, but apes CAN'T think - their brains are too small.
Filthy Russian pigs fed off Asian and Caucasian resources while they put them through terror-famines (say, the Holodomor of Kazakhs) and persecution. Russia plundered their resources: every third bullet was made out of lead found in Kazakhstan, all oil used during the Great Patriotic War [WW2] was from Azerbaijan. Shitty Russians only killed non-Russians with Holodomors and repressions while stripping them of their resources! They are an irredeemable Evil Empire. I hope Russia, this remaining shard of the filthy Union, will break into a thousand pieces!!! Amen
Reply773 Comment(s)
I am for the USSR! But under US governance :)))
ReplyNicely done - now that's humor.
Replyby would the ussr alow it self to be a junior partner of the usa, change it's consitution every now and then
Reply773 Comment(s)
We live just fine without that cursed USSR
ReplyYeah, it's good they gave you some money so that you wouldn't kick the bucket starving to death and write what's needed in the comments, right? But they didn't give anything to a neighbor and an old woman nearby. Let them live on a pittance.
ReplyRusski, get your ass up, mommy's armchair critic. You're getting fat already.
ReplyI will skin you with a knife, mutt. And all your canine brood.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia is essentially a parasite. It can't live without others. An absolutely failed state
ReplyWhoever taught you how to read also plucked you out of a yurt and [explained] how to use toilet paper
ReplyOh boy, you have fed [me] up with these fairy tales about education and language learning, goddammit. You erased the history of the peoples and brainwashed folks; oh, the USSR is so good, we will give you education and so on. Come on! No one buys this nonsense anymore.
ReplyI agree. They are brainwashed big time that they allegedly taught reading and writing. It's as if al-Farabi left audio tapes with his works for us. He couldn't read and write, and had to record everything on tape. LOL
ReplyI don't want to upset you, but nearly all Russian peasants were illiterate before the USSR, and toilet paper was not a thing at the time. By the way, Chukchas live in chums, you wiseguy :)
ReplyYou can't upset us because not only Russian peasants but German and French peasants were illiterate. One needs to have morale, not education, to turn Russia into a Russky land. And the soul that you fuck.
Reply773 Comment(s)
It's necessary to leave this useless Customs Union
Reply773 Comment(s)
Turkish drones have destroyed several more hyped-up Russian Pantsirs and rubella in Libya
Reply773 Comment(s)
I wonder if Vovochka The Dick will be able to keep his seat till the end of this year
ReplyI personally remember Putin as clearly as if he were standing in front of me
Reply773 Comment(s)
Vatnik alcoholics were carried away by dreams about the Soviet Union.
ReplyOne Russian fled Kazakhstan to Orel province and then came back. Only alkies, whole villages of them, live there, he said. They burned down all his cattle, shed, and hay! They envied him, didn't want to work themselves, nor did they let others work! So that Russian had to return to Kazakhstan!
Reply773 Comment(s)
You've shown your essence, and you're half-baked
Reply773 Comment(s)
I know good Russian lads. They are moving precisely. But we are different.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Uniting with Russia means losing your history in the future, and this means that you are dependent.
ReplyYou are confusing uniting with Russia vs merging with the Communist USSR. Russia and the USSR are apples and oranges. Ukrainians and Kazakhs lived quite well in Russia, but it turned nasty in the USSR
Reply773 Comment(s)
There will be no USSR 2.0. We will have a Golden Horde 2.0
ReplyWe don't f... need this USwineSR!!! We'd be better off under America then! [We] need to unite Turkic peoples and countries!
ReplyYour only goal is to be under someone.
ReplyThat's who you are.
what is the golden horde 2.0
ReplyJust like you under Putin/Communists
Reply773 Comment(s)
We don't need the swinish USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Without Russia, Kazakhstan would be a Chinese province. At worst, a virus testing ground for the USA. By the way, our Kazakhstan has very little that is still government-owned. Happy trails.
ReplyRussia itself is a Chinese province, as are Siberia and especially the Far East
ReplyMoreover, almost every Russian business belongs to the Chinese at the current moment; they fill in every space vacated by leaving foreign companies since all the stuff is made in China anyway, except for McDonald's franchises that Nazarbaev's relative will probably own from now on.
ReplyGenerally speaking and looking at Uighurs, China is absolute evil for any Turk, Muslim or not. Like they still can't forgive them for Genghis Khan.
773 Comment(s)
The USSR. Hammer and sickle. Death and famine.
Replythen replace the symbols themselves no death no famine
Reply773 Comment(s)
Why do we need this totalitarian shit house Russia? Kyrgyzstan has its independence.
ReplyThe most important thing is scram! Get out of Russia, you Kyrgyz primates. Are you waiting for us to kick you out?
ReplyPutin has heaped gifts on you - he is taking our money over to sheep! And they are storming Russia to get citizenship! WHY, monkeys? What are you hoping for?
get rid of capitalism, since every enjoy getting a loan without pay howabout the different type of central bank where in pipol could fill up a form and get thier own free money without pay similar to a country's central banking system
Reply"Proletarians of the world shag!" (Karl Marx)
Reply773 Comment(s)
I can knock all Pukin's [Putin's] teeth out with a single punch.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Haha. Russia has floundered for 30 years and understood they couldn't live without us.
ReplySure, somebody needs to remove garbage and sweep the streets. You don't have enough brainpower to deal with anything more complicated
ReplyIs there any good use from you personally, you drinker of Shaitan's urine?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Glory to the USA! Glory to England and the Western world.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The bust of Alexander Kolchak was pulled down in Bashkortostan! Our Bashkir Turkic brothers are awakening!
ReplyEmbrace your brothers! We are NOT holding on to them!!!
ReplySet them all free, if you're not going to hold them: Sakha, the North Caucasus, Tatarstan. Let them go and stay in your Novgorod and Moscow yourselves.
ReplyThey wake up under the monument "The fifteen Bashkirian Cheboksary", fucked by Bashkirians themselves in 1917. [Cheboksary is a city in Russia. Sounds similar to "komissary" (commissars), referring to the 26 Commissars of Baku]
Reply773 Comment(s)
The system in the USSR was absolutely moronic. Almost everyone in the same field received the same salary. They called it "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." It means a slacker and a busy bee got equal payment. And it was done intentionally because they wanted to level the wages. They didn't want to have excessively rich people so that everybody would be approximately equal. Nobody worked well enough as a result. Why would they? You get the same pay no matter what. One could either change the job or do hard labour. But the system there was the same. That's why the Soviet Union collapsed without a single shot fired.
ReplyThe Soviet Union was a damn cesspool.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Let Russians reject their obscure Russian Orthodox religion and turn into normal Muslims. Then we will accept them to our Union of the Muslim countries.
ReplyDid you understand what you wrote yourself, you sheep?
ReplyI understood that but you, you donkey, are apparently too stupid
ReplyYour dad is a jackass. And your mother is a donkey.
ReplyRussians inherited the ancient culture and knowledge of the world... And who are you, Muslims? How are you different from primates? By the way, read al-Gharnati (an Arab who lived in the 10th century) - he explains the difference between you, Turkic Arabs, and us, white Europeans!!!
ReplyRussians are a product of Turks mixed with Slavs; more than half of the Russian language consists of Turkic words. Clown :)
ReplyBy the way, read about the Ottoman Empire and what Spain was like in Europe in the Middle Ages. All the knowledge and science came from the East, and you yourself as a person included. Do you know where Byzantium is on the map? )
Civilization came to the West from the East. Even "algebra" is an Arabic word.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I am for the Union of the Turkic peoples.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The people who live off plundering other folks with fines, taxes, community fees, other mandatory payments and underpaying the working class have left these negative comments. In Soviet times people got their wages and spent it on themselves; there were NO expenses like that, that is, robbery, fees, and payments to the state for state services, healthcare, documents, utilities, and taxes. Fuel and food or essentials were cheap, clothes, cars, and home appliances were more expensive but affordable even for a working man. And now in Uspekhistan [a mockery making Uzbekistan sound like "Successtan"] even canned fish is a first-class treat, and meat is an unattainable luxury. Folks munch on chicken necks and chicken liver. Ordinary people lead more or less decent lives if their relatives work in Russia and other countries. The smallest salary used to be enough for an uneducated man to provide for a family of three and rest at a sea resort once a year. One hundred rubles. It was enough to buy 60 kilograms of meat. I talk to many people; the majority regret the Soviet Union collapsed and want to return all this. I don't believe these negative comments. I consider them to be lies of thieves and robbers. They wrote this to keep everything they've stolen safe.
ReplyThey paid the Soviet worker ten times less than the Capitalist worker made while withholding nine-tenths of the salary to fund free housing, education, and healthcare.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Asian countries need Russia for damn well nothing. If only Muslims wouldn't treat Russians living in those countries like dirt. Russians were born there. Their ancestors are buried there. But the only words we hear are "Get out and go to your Russia." And why should we go there? Don't we have the right to live where we were born? And Muslims keep saying they are not Nazis. We live and work here too. I live in Kazakhstan and want to leave for nowhere. My Homeland is here. I get it, Muslims are aggressive towards Russians, but how did we wrong you? Why do you hate us and drive out of the country?
ReplyDon't make stories up; they aren't drving anybody out of Kazakhstan. Kazakhs are tolerant people. And these rumours are intentionally circulated by those who have demographic problems in their countries. They want Russians to come and live there, but they are not leaving because they lead a good life in Kazakhstan.
ReplyHaha, you wimpy jerk, you only know how to spit into your monitor; but most likely you sweep the streets for a living )))
Reply773 Comment(s)
Soviet Pithecus are brainless.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I believe Tupin [a word swap making "Putin" read "dumb"] is a jerk.
ReplyAnd you're right
Reply773 Comment(s)
Chinese leader Xi Jinping at a closed-door meeting called Putin coward, saying he knew of no leader hiding in a bunker during the epidemics.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putya [Putin] is a dimwit and a runt. He likes kissing children on the navel.
ReplyWhat trash you wouldn't say that to my sit there in your Ukrainistan and spit out nastiness....
ReplyIt's your Putin hiding behind hundreds of guards, let him go head-to-head with me
ReplyOr with me and armed with axes
Reply773 Comment(s)
When they say that ice-cream cost 15 kopecks in Soviet times and how beautiful that life in the USSR was, as if to say how great life was in the USSR, it's worth noting that ice-cream in Nazi Germany used to be much sweeter than the Soviet version and also very cheap. Besides, every German worker had a house and a car when Hitler held power. Life was well settled; the salary was decent. Truth be told, they burned Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies in crematoriums. Well, yes! So what? But one could buy that ice-cream for 15 Pfennigs! The Vatniks' and Fascist logics are very much alike in this regard.
ReplyVatniks dragged along you all on their backs, including Ukrainians, paid for your "ice cream sundae." All Soviet republics shared 55,000,000,000 rubles annually from the late 50s till the late 80s, except Russia and Belorussia - they just financed that shared budget.
ReplyAll of you are scum. Don't even dream about us carrying you on our back again!!!
You moron, no one needs your Soviet Union but you. You think you will live off the other republics again while secretly despising us as second-class inferior people.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin is a He needs to shut his pie-hole up and sit on the crapper
Reply773 Comment(s)
Nobody needs this USSR except Russia. Which proves that Russia wants to plunder these countries again. But it's gonna fail.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I remember during Soviet times people never disposed of cellophane bags, but washed and dried [to re-use] them because they were hard to come by. It was difficult to find toilet paper, and people wiped with newspapers. And that's why they needed newspaper subscriptions, but authorities lauded Soviet people as those reading the most. That's how backward the country was.
Reply773 Comment(s)
We are flattered that Russia can no longer exist without us. The thieves in the Kremlin have pushed Russia over the edge, and now they want to save it at our expense.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Poor Russians. They don't know whom they should ally with. Just like beggars, they are pestering us with their useless dustpan [slang for USSR]. Russia will answer for all its crimes.
Reply773 Comment(s)
We need to take back our Turkic lands that were unlawfully seized by the Russians.
ReplyIt won't happen. Russia didn't seize anything. Russia has become what it is today not because of the Kremlin whores but terrain. The Caspian and Black Seas separate Azerbaijan and Crimea from the Turkey. "It's nothing personal, just business." (Al Capone)
Reply773 Comment(s)
We are for the USSR for the future of our children's children...!
ReplyThe future of your children, like in Beslan
Reply773 Comment(s)
And what else does dickhead Putin want?
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR and Hitler were exactly who instigated WWII together.
Reply773 Comment(s)
You and your parents are the bioorganics mentioned above )
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's right. A union of Turkic-speaking countries. And we and Russia follow different paths, much less a fictitious USSR.
ReplyCall those who speak in ape by their correct names. :)))))
ReplyAnd the Shrussians [shit Russia]? Is that how it's spelled? ))
ReplyIs it normal Shit-Russians are insulting everybody? You are Russian Orthodox fascists.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Ah, nobody is trying to form any USSR - they are just talking about unhindered movement across national borders and a common currency to avoid any hassles. Moscow doesn't fucking need any Kazakhs - Russians are a dime a dozen there. What are you all dreaming up here, and nobody has answered my question yet. If China were to theoretically attack Kazakhstan, judging by the experience of the United States (in Libya, Iraq) could Kazakhstan independently, meaning on its own, repel that kind of attack?
ReplyIt can. They will bend over with their ass toward the Chinese. They don't have anything else to beat them off with.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The presence of Russia in Central Asia is an integral part of the region's security, since Russia is the successor of the USSR - and that means that 90% of the male population born between 1950-1970 did their male duty by serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army, and therefore naturally have the right to demand peace from Russia.
ReplyOf course! Only Russians and Russia have paid off your debt! So, pay us back everything you burned through, and what you still owe us! Then we will reckon who served [in the military], and where and for how long... You were NOT conscripted to serve in the army. You served in construction battalions! But even that was of no use at all!
Reply773 Comment(s)
There will be a Turkic Union of Turkic countries, no flea-infested, disgraceful USSR. Siberia is ours, and Baikal, Yenisey, the Ural Mountains - it's all Turkic.
ReplyA union with apes?)))))
ReplyIt has started to stink of Shrussians [shit Russians] )))
ReplyImagine that Siberia is all forests and bogs again; the Russians have gone, and neither cities nor any kind of economy is there... ))) And you dumbasses have come and taken over "your" Siberia! And it's -45 degrees Celsius outside. How does it feel? Don't forget to bring your sheep along. Otherwise, who's going to feed you?
ReplySiberia and the Urals will flourish without shitty Russian colonisers. Shitty Russia (Moscow) is a parasite sucking out resources.
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's what our countries are called - the CIS. The Commonwealth of Independent Countries. I don't understand what we need some kind of USSR for when we can simply trade, cooperate with each other, and share experience without having a unified state. There isn't any people that will go along with having someone telling them what to do again.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Send Moskals [derogatory for Russians/Muscovites] to the guillotine.
ReplyThe Polish prostitute woke up ))))
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR does not benefit anyone except the Russians. They are the ones who bust their asses promoting it, frothing at the mouth. But we don't need that crap.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Those who are very afraid of losing their big, fat feeding trough, and who uncontrollably fleece their own people, don't want reunification.
ReplyPutin is a criminal and dickhead.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Long ago, Turkish leader Ataturk said that all Turkish countries would one day leave the Communist sphere of influence (meaning that the USSR would be destroyed), and then they would need aid, especially financial aid. And when the USSR fell apart, Turkey took out billions in loans and invested in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Don't forget that, brothers.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Why the hell did your USSR surrender to us? We have our own Turkic alliance. Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. And also a number of provinces in Dagestan and the Caucasus.
ReplyThere are also a lot of Turkic peoples in Siberia. Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Sakha (formerly Yakutiya), Altay Region, Khakasiya, and Tuva that will also become a part of this union.
ReplyAnd the Russians have the wonderful cities of Moscow and those in the Golden Ring around it. That's their nation there.
I don't agree that Moscow is a Russian city. They didn't lay down Moscow's foundation, and they didn't defend it. Moscow is the city of the Golden Horde. In modern-day Moscow, everything has been built by the hands of Uzbek, Tajik, and Kyrgyz workers. Let Russians go to their northern lands. Taymyr, Murmansk, and so on.
ReplyYou have all become totally insolent! ) It means it's time to force you out of Russia by hook or by crook!
ReplyIt will be more like Chechens, Dagestanis, Balkars, Bashkirs, Yakuts, Tuvans, Buryats and others driving out shitty Russian occupiers with fire and the sword :))
Reply773 Comment(s)
Don't forget about Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Siberia, especially around the Yenisey River, is Kyrgyz territory, and Orenburg is part of Kazakhstan.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Pulker's [from fart Putin Hitler] ratings fell by 25%. Civil war in Russia is just around the corner. We're stocking up on popcorn.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia's oil and natural gas incomes fell by 40%. The situation is already so tense in Russia. And in fall there will be a big uprising against Putin. As soon as they get rid of Putin, the moment will have to be seized. Ukraine will get back Crimea and Kuban, Belarus will take land up to Pskov. The USA will impose external management and take away all of Russia's weapons. It will pay all of its war indemnities to Ukraine, Chechnya, Syria, and Georgia. After that Russia will be bankrupt.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia needs to be demolished. Ukraine is doing the right thing, which is throwing cold water on everyone who is a fan of the USSR. Russia dreamed of an easy blitzkrieg to Odessa, but Ukrainian soldiers brought Russia to heel.
ReplyYou're a half-baked schmuck.
ReplyThose bastards should be burned in a crematory
ReplyWhom did the great Ukro-warriors defeat? Isn't that funny to you?
ReplyThey dumped you because they don't need you, and they knew you'd be habitually howling deep up Euro-ass pretty soon. And Russia eventually stopped pulling smartass cocksuckers' chestnuts out of the fire whose lapdogs in power caved in under Euro-kingpins.
The fans of the sorry excuse of the Russian world have royally crapped their pants in Ukraine )))
Reply773 Comment(s)
Uzbekistan is very strongly opposed to the Soviet mentality. Uzbekistan is developing just fine without the USSR. Our independence is not for sale.
ReplyYou can tell by looking at Uzbekistan, which is neck-deep in debt because of foreign investments. People are jobless and penniless; I mean the ordinary workforce. There's no particular help even now during the COVID-19 quarantine. That's how well we are developing. Haha. No money for medical treatment or higher education. The only popular job is petty trade and taxi driving,
ReplyIt's better like this than living in stinky USSR along with Russian creeps
Reply773 Comment(s)
The only people against that here are cowards. Are you idiots? It wouldn't be like the previous USSR. Instead, it would be simpler and more normal like EUROPE. There would be economic growth in every country. But it would be hard for Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan's economy has been growing for 3 years, and its GDP has grown threefold during that time, and so have other countries' GDPs.
ReplyUzbekistan needs this rotten USSR like a hole in the head.
ReplyDo you know how much our money Putin invested in your Uzbekia [disparaging term for Uzbekistan]? And how much did the USSR invest in you? When are you going to pay the Russians back?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Belarus started buying US oil. It wants nothing to do with Russia. And Russia has only two allies left - fools and roads [from the catchphrase "Russia has two misfortunes: fools and roads"]
Reply773 Comment(s)
Soviet jerk-offs are like gypsy beggars. Let whoever wants to contribute as much as he can for the USSR. We are not locals ourselves.
Reply773 Comment(s)
We'll shove the lousy Soviet Union up the Russians' asses :))
Reply773 Comment(s)
ShRussians [shit Russians], shove your USSR up your butt :)))
Reply773 Comment(s)
Well, dear some dumb gentlemen from Kazakhstan. You are sitting here, brazenly chastising Vova Pukin [fart Putin] and the Akkulacks, and nobody has said a word against you. It took me a couple of days to start raining on your parade and morally contradict you, and I found supporters on my side. In a nutshell, you started retreating dumbly with one or two incoherent sentences about Russian swine! Are you afraid of crapping your pants? As Volodya Ulyanov [Vladimir Lenin] used to say, there must be a beginning. Now, let's talk facts here. Face-to-face. Are we going to keep [fighting] or talk peacefully? Generally speaking, I can draw one conclusion from this thingamajig: no one is 100% independent or self-sufficient! What does that mean? It means we need mutual integration or, as Vovan [Putin] says, mutual support and fair competition. So, not only do we need Russia, but it is necessary for us. Or is someone going to continue playing dumb?
ReplyDon't let our dependence or independence trouble you. Or else we might accidentally cut off your noggins.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR is a prison of peoples. 5
Reply773 Comment(s)
If all the former republics unite, no one will be any worse off. After all, the former Soviet Union, throughout all its history, did not refuse to help anyone -- ever. There always was, is, and will be solidarity from Russia. It is the only state that never looks out for its own good in anything. It only tries, if it unites with someone, to do so to defend you, dear ones, from any attacks, just like the one that happened in 1941. As the proverb goes, there is safety in numbers. And those who so zealously speak out against V. Putin are not happy with their own president, and don’t know what they really need in this life. And it is always people who themselves have achieved nothing of importance who disappoint others, and make them think about their bad lives, and shape their views to be hostile. It is better for us to always have good relations, and for there to be harmony in all areas of life - both for military purposes and in medicine, education, art, and scientific research. Remember how everyone was friends before, most people completed their higher education in Moscow, and now they are excellent specialists in their fields. And I think that these people are always ready to say: what a happy childhood and youth we all had, and life from here on out will be good too!!!
ReplyIt's time you pay the Russians back!!! You have devoured us! We keep paying for your childrens' education! And not only that! Have you no shame?
ReplyAre you out of your freaking mind? Only shitty Russia has debts for all their plundering of people in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and now Ukraine. GFY
Reply773 Comment(s)
Tashkent is better than all of Russia
ReplyDon't be absurd. I live in Tashkent and sometimes leave to work in Russia to make ends meet in Tashkent. And there are millions of people like myself coming to work from Uzbekistan to Russia and other countries. And bring everything from Russia to our beloved Tashkent.
ReplyGet out and go back to Russia; who's holding you back?
Reply773 Comment(s)
What sort of publication is this? It is as if Russia were somehow the size of Tashkent.
Reply773 Comment(s)
If you're talking about the USSR, it's dead in the water :))
Reply773 Comment(s)
For Putin it's salvation, but under his sort of leadership, but... The people of the RSFSR do not need this, since the USSR is alive. The Soviet State Bank was not eliminated, Nicholas II's gold is in the Federal Reserve and belongs to the Soviet people, which Gorbachev, that traitor, kept quiet about. The people of the USSR are rich. The Soviet ruble is held at 1:54 to the dollar in the Central Bank. The entire global economy is propped up on the Soviet ruble and the Central Bank, and the Rothschilds got ahold of it. I am NOT talking about notes from the Bank of Russia - they are merely paper. The USSR is controlled by Russian firms registered in the USA; you can Google it. The USSR is alive, death to the Rothschilds' wealth. Everything is leading up to the USSR restoring the sovereignty it lost through Russia's fault, and it will claim its legal rights, which will change the world order. And Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the other republics will join - this would be the second time around - and of their own accord. The main backbone for the owners of this infinite wealth are the RSFSR, Ukraine, and Belarus. And Putin, along with this organized crime ring Lake Cooperative and Gorbachev, will be turned over to the Hague for deception, betraying the people, overthrowing the constitutional order, genocide, and robbing his own people. A lawsuit from 11/29/2019 is pending. A similar lawsuit against Putin came from a representative of Zakayev concerning the genocide of the Chechen p
ReplyUkraine is prepared to fight against any attempts to restore the USSR. Ukraine is European. You all go ahead and forget about us.
ReplyYou're right, of course, in what you said.
ReplyUkrainians are great! They are defending their homeland courageously and valiantly against filthy Soviet Ork spawn!
Reply773 Comment(s)
A $10 billion financial gap has been uncovered in the Gazprom budget.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Who tries with how much effort, but USSR wonʼt never revived
Reply773 Comment(s)
A mosaic with Stalin on it was removed from the main cathedral for the Russian Army And for that, I'll give the Russians some praise.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The United States gave the artificial ventilation devices back to Russia because they were of inferior quality. Furthermore, they turned out to be dangerous to use. Because they were "Made in Russia" by a drunk, monkey-like technician Uncle Vasya using an old Soviet sledgehammer :)))
ReplyAre the Chinese ones better?
ReplyYeah, the quality of the shitty Russian goods is sometimes worse than the Chinese. I once bought a Russian bed; soon, half of the springs came out.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Pukin [from Putin and 'to fart'] is a jerkoff. You won't see any redneck USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In Dagestan, a local resident raped a Cossack man who owed him money and didn't pay it back. Along with that, the Cossack was dressed up in his full military uniform.
ReplyWhat source is that information from?
Reply773 Comment(s)
I want to open a farm where I will breed Russian pigs. I’ll slaughter them there too.
ReplyYou’re not slaughtered enough in the world. Oh well, they will fix it. You can then go and complain to your Pukin, it won’t help.
ReplyMonkeys have learned how to use the Internet.
ReplyRussian macaques should never be allowed to touch complicated equipment.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The President of Belarus didn't piss his pants, and held a May 9th parade, unlike cowardly Putin. I wonder if he'll seek vengeance on Lukashenko? These kinds of small-minded, disgusting men like Putin are, generally speaking, very vengeful and spiteful.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Nobody was burned in Odessa on May 2. These provocateurs themselves have just forgotten how to safely play with fire, and they set themselves on fire.
ReplyThey not only lit up Molotov cocktails, but also shot at them, and added beatings with truncheons for those who managed to jump out of the building. And this is in the 21st century.
ReplyThe Russians set themselves on fire after getting drunk. It happens a lot in Russia
Reply773 Comment(s)
I lived in Alma-Ata during the period of Zheltoksan. I kept watch, and saw a lot from within. It was a purely nationalistic demonstration. They drove students onto the square. People - and you could see police badges under their clothes - were handing out steel bars on the streets. They didn't beat any students, they merely took them out of the city. There was no bloodshed. Those who stood on the blockade noted the unhealthy gleam in their eyes. Those are the words of a Kazakh friend. Volodya, don't go. They are playing us against each other. We had never been divided into Kazakhs, Uighurs, Russians, and so on. Here they have forced us to recall some memories and become embittered. I do not know who initiated this, or why.
ReplyYes... They are trying to breed racism here, making different nationalities fight each other tooth and nail, while that's not important at all! It doesn't matter who are you by blood; it doesn't matter what country you are from. Unity against a common enemy - corruption and dictatorship - is what matters!
ReplyBlood, race, and mentality are critically important; you can't hide from that. A white person will never be friends with an Asian; there can only be compulsory, armed neutrality, and only that due to close proximity. No one needs this shitty unification which, in fact, has existed for a long time - and undermines the country. But it is a lifeline for Middle, sorry, Central Asia. China and Europe are smart, they don't want to feed the Bantustans.
ReplyThe difference between us Muslims and you Russians is that you yell insulting Nazi slogans saying everybody except you are underdeveloped; you tell tales that you feed, educate, etc. all the others, and no one but you believe these fibs. The fact is you were uneducated yourselves not so long ago, wearing dirty, torn bast shoes; the Yanks sent you aid and treated you as if you were monkeys in a zoo. But now you believe you are a global power though you aren't; you get angry nobody takes you seriously, and instead of being a developed country dealing with its domestic problems, you poke your nose where you shouldn't.
Reply773 Comment(s)
It turns out that when the famous Russian composer Mikhail Glinka fled from Russia, he stripped naked in front of the barrier arm gate and left his clothes on the Russian side, as he said, "so that he would not take a even piece of the Russian spirit with him". He crossed the border and spat on the Russian side.
Reply773 Comment(s)
"Russia is the most abominable, nauseously vile country in all of world history. By selective breeding, they brought monstrous moral freaks out there, for whom the very concept of Good and Evil was turned inside out. Throughout its history, this nation flounders in shit and at the same time wants to drown the whole world in it..." - I.A. Ilyin (1882-1954), Russian philosopher
Reply773 Comment(s)
"I have to express my sad views on the Russian - he has such a weak brain that he is not able to perceive reality as it is. For him, there are only words. His conditioned reflexes are not coordinated with actions, but with words." - Academy of Sciences member Pavlov. About the Russian Mind. 1932.
ReplyBastards, are you not afraid of your Allah spreading these fake "quotes" here?
ReplyDo you Muslims know what Allah said about you? About your women? That's right!!!...
773 Comment(s)
"Russians are a people who hate free will, glorify slavery, love fetters on their hands and feet, love their own bloody despots, experience no beauty, are physically and morally filthy, have lived in darkness and hatred for progress for centuries, and have not lifted a finger to do anything humane but are always ready to restrain and oppress everyone, and the whole world. They are not a people, but a historical curse on humanity." - I.S. Shmelyov
Reply773 Comment(s)
"[They are] not a people, but cattle, bullies, wild hordes of murderers and villains." - Mikhail Bulgakov
Reply773 Comment(s)
"Realizing the superiority of alien peoples' civilization and envying it, dwelling on their sense of the mistakes in their own civilization, but not wanting, or not knowing, how to fix them, they seek to hide their flaws under the guise of contempt for strangers, humiliating them in every way." George Macartney Ambassador Extraordinary in St. Petersburg, 1765-1767
Reply773 Comment(s)
What the Europeans wrote: “Russians are by nature very prone to deception; they can only be restrained with strong beatings.” "The Book of the Great and Powerful Tsar of Russia and the Prince of Moscow" Richard Chancellor A seaman who visited Russia in 1553-1554 and laid the foundation for Russian-English trade relations.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia’s new appetite has been revealed.
Reply773 Comment(s)
This year, Tashkent got a break from the flashy "Immortal Barrack" gay pride parade. It should also be canceled next year.
ReplyAnd they say this to their own people - forget about your family and loved ones who heroically fought against fascist Europe, who worked in the rear services to bring Victory Day closer. They have renounced Victory Day, which is what the West wants. Indeed, for the West May 8th is a day of mourning.
ReplyUnder no circumstances should you forget your own fallen. It's just that there's no sense turning this into some kind of circus, or celebrating it
Reply773 Comment(s)
The Saint Petersburg organizers of the "Gays for Putin" campaign want to hold a demonstration in support of the Russian Federation's President.
ReplyOh yeah? Really?
ReplyIt turns out they got a no-go. Apparently, Russian officials are not Putin’s patriots.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia is a miserable, rotten, foul country where even garbage Russians don't want to live.
Reply773 Comment(s)
It is their USSR. We definitely don't need that.
ReplyWhat the hell are you posting that here for? It isn't as if that's only in Russia. And it's not a fact that they're gays. You feed yourself with gossip from Internet garbage cans and impose it on others just to trash Russians.
ReplyDear publication - the newspaper Ekspress, and not just that newspaper, published this.
It's impossible to shit on Russians, because you can't take a dump on shit.
Reply773 Comment(s)
A female bureaucrat in Saratov hurled criticism at mothers: we used to live withiut whining, but now everyone who gives birth feels entitled and that everyone owes them A country of groveling serfs, and the USSR was the same
ReplyHah...In Kazakhstan people breed like rabbits. And they still shout themselves hoarse about how they have a lot of children, and the state needs to help them out. These fuckers don't notice themselves, but they see what is going on in Russia.
ReplyWhat does Kazakhstan matter to you, pig?
ReplyAnd what does Russia matter to you, sheep?
ReplyI’ve never even touched your Russia, you ass.
ReplySo Saratov is not in Russia? Look at a map, you donkey.
ReplyWhat the hell do I need your Saratov for, you jackass
ReplyGo away, you scum.
Reply))))) The guy who takes it up the ass is getting on his high horse.
ReplyPig ass got torn up )))
ReplyI'm not a Muslim, you idiot! You're a bully, beast, scumbag, and bastard.
ReplyYeah, they are rolling into Russia, applying for all possible welfare; they forget about their independence right away!!! Asian bastards - they are bitches, not people. Do not expect the Russians not to kick you out. As they say, the Russians put a bridle on their horses slowly, but then they drive them fast!
Reply773 Comment(s)
The real number of those who have died from the coronavirus in Russia could be 70% higher than official statistics, the Financial Times writes
ReplyJust like any other country. Nobody speaks the truth anywhere.
ReplyBut in Russia is the number off the charts?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia now has the second-highest number of people infected with the coronavirus. Russia is a country where healthcare has died. But they've built a bunch of useless churches.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In Russia, there are 220,000 cases of the coronavirus infection!!! After all of Putin's reforms, healthcare is dead there. For the sake of comparison, there are only 1,000 people infected in Kyrgyzstan.
ReplyYou're comparing apples with fucking oranges. Are you even taking into account the size of the population? There's 147 million people versus 6 million.
ReplyDid you teach math at school, or did you smoke the textbook? Their population is 20 times smaller, and the number of infected people in Russia is more than 200 times higher!
ReplyNew figures. There are already 232,243 people infected in Russia. This plague-ridden leper colony needs to be fenced off with a high wall, just as the USA needs to [be fenced off] from Mexico.
Reply773 Comment(s)
[Russian Central Bank head Elvira] Nabiullina was invited to "work at the printing press": the Central Bank will print a trillion rubles so that the Kremlin does not spend money from the National Wealth Fund. This is more proof that Russia no longer has any reserves. Everything has been stolen. And yet they still preach to others about how to live
Reply773 Comment(s)
During "self-isolation," people in Russia haven't been paid out a single kopeck. That's their sham "superpower" for you.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin has put a plan called "Hero" into action in Russia. I'm in a bunker, and you go hustle and bustle!
Reply773 Comment(s)
A third of Russians have cut back their spending on food during self-isolation RBC reported on this, citing the results of a survey taken by the job board and the food delivery service Samokat. With its ridiculous poverty, Russia should work on getting things back to normal, rather than lecturing others
ReplyAnd in Kazakhstan people are without any food at all. All of Instagram is overflowing with people cursing about how people have nothing to eat.First take a look at what's going on in your own country.
ReplyLies - Kazakhstan hasn't had any problems with food, even in the 1990s. When the USA sent tons of humanitarian aid to Russia.
ReplyLog into Instagram and read it. I didn't make this up. People are already storming checkpoints to get to work. I live in Kazakhstan, and don't embrace rumors. You'll accuse me of lying, too.
ReplyThere's no problem with food. If you have money. People simply have nothing to buy food with. And they only gave this 42,500 to a third of the needy. They turned down everyone else.
ReplyAnd in Russia they did not even get 3 tenge. They told people to put a portrait of Putin up against their empty bellies. They promised that would help
ReplyAh, fuck that....they [don't need] your 3 tenge. For what it's worth, their currency is rubles.
ReplyWe didn't get a ruble or a kopeck, but Kazakhs got 40,000 each.
ReplyAnd did all the Kazakhs get it? At least out of those who asked? They threw a handout just to show off. Even 30% of those in need didn’t receive help. And we still don’t how it will turn out for those who did. They might not be happy that they received it. How many people have already returned the money? They said they wouldn’t punish anyone. But can you trust our government? They can change their mind five times a day.
Reply3 million people got it and about 100,000 people even returned the money since they don’t need it. And in Russia, 0 rubles 0 kopecks.
ReplyIs that right? They returned it because they didn't need it? So if they didn't need it, then why did they take it? They returned it because they were threatened them with a huge fine. So they got scared. Do you think that 3 million people represent all of those who are needy? And the rest are rich? I mean half the population wound up without work. They set up a lottery. Some people lucked out, others did not.
ReplyThey didn't take it - it was automatically paid out to them. So some of them returned it. So here's the question: how many people received payments in Russia? Were there similar payouts? No? There you have it.
ReplyAre they exploding into Russia? That s..t is all we wanted! This epidemic is a chance for Russia to set itself free from these animals! Yeah, EVERYTHING is bad here... Leave us alone!!!
ReplyWe still trust Putin... But we will end up foisting him onto you, if he loves to see you SO much in our Russian home!
773 Comment(s)
The USSR is a putrefied herring
Reply773 Comment(s)
I agree with everything you're saying. Former Soviet countries are still dependent on each other, at least in some respects. No one has total independence. And every country now has a ton of problems. Why sling mud at each other? What sort of unfounded hatred is this?
ReplyJust not with Russians.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Here's another point-blank question: is he Nazerbayev's son? This little grandson himself openly announced that Nazerbayev is his father. That's absolutely total incest. And here the Kazakhs are calling Russians gay. What about their own president? They don't see themselves for who they are.
ReplyAysultan is a drug addict and mentally ill. And he has been getting treatment at home for a long time.
ReplyI don't care where he's getting treated. It's just that he gave up his family secret.
ReplyWell, that means that is your level - gossip from druggies and your drinking buddies
ReplyThat's your level, living in a country ruled by a pervert that knocked up his own daughter.
ReplyNow, these are your fantasies. Nobody has accused Putin of either pedophilia or homosexuality. Only asses like you can think of this.
ReplyStop showing off, you trashy Russian pig
ReplyKazakhs are the most rotten, foul nation. What's in their genes comes out in their culture.
ReplyNobody thinks of Russian pigs as people anywhere because they are biological garbage.
ReplyThey never took you into consideration. You are the only ones who think of yourselves as people. You're all stupid and smell awful.
ReplyOink some more, you piggish dog
Reply773 Comment(s)
We don't need the USSR
Reply773 Comment(s)
Let's say screw the land and all the hundreds of thousands of hectares, and build cow barns. Who will agree to that? Name the last name of this person. Or should we let there be a desert there? Really, what the hell do we need cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, and melons for? Let's fucking ruin the beach and end up fucked.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Question number 3. Explicitly about pigs. Sukhoi Su jets, specifically the Su-27 that guards our borders, and does the distance from Arkhangelsk to Syria in 26 minutes. In a nutshell, we all said to hell with these pigs and their pieces of scrap metal. Are you going to put your BEK AIR along the border with fuel tanks held together with scotch tape and screws???
ReplyThese Su-27s are falling out of the sky every day in Russia. That rust bucket is dangerous for those underneath it.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Question number 1. The Belorussians. In reality, they're landed peasants like the Russians, meaning swine! What the hell do we need these swine for? Let them jerk off in the same slop, etc. In short, we sent them all packing as far off as we could! You don't have to look too far to see we in Shymkent and Jambyl provinces, simply put, ditched these fair-haired fucking bullshit artists, and they gave all their hatred right back at us. What will we use to plow? We don't have the Belarusian K-700 [heavy duty tractor] which these swine, based on your thinking, also make. Are we going to hitch up hoes to horses and walk behind them, just like in 1918? Or can you name for me at least one tractor factory in Kazakhstan, and how about independent ones?
ReplyThe tractors have been made in America and China for a long time, and also Batka [Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko] sent several hundred items in exchange for oil.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR is a corpse.
ReplyYour mom is a corpse.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Okay, we're independent, meaning we're self-sufficient. If we're self-sufficient, then we should resolve our problems on our own? One of the problems! Irrigating 300,000 hectares of land in Turkestan Province. The land is irrigated with the final tributary of the Talas River! The mouth of the river is at the Kirov Water Reservoir in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Let's assume that the Kyrgyz are the same morons that Russian pigs are. For five years they dug a bypass canal to Uzbekistan through Osh!!! They say screw the sheep and let water run through the bypass canal. Question? Can we supply Jambul [Jambyl] and Chimkent [Turkestan] provinces with water on our own, meaning independently? And that means thousands of hectares of fields, and millions of tons of vegetables!!
ReplyOf course it's possible. The very same Israel that is a desert sells vegetables, even to Russia.
ReplyNo "million tons of vegetables" exists there. At most a few hundred thousand. But agricultural areas in these regions should already be switched over to animal breeding. It is not as dependent on the weather, and meat costs much more than vegetables. And let them grow crops where there are no problems with getting water.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Get the fuck out of here with your USSR
Reply773 Comment(s)
Yes, I am for the USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Even though I have been living in Russia for many years now, I agree that among the Russians there are many pigs.
Reply773 Comment(s)
And you dimwit, yes, yes, you - if you can't write someone one-on-one and express yourself in words then don't put in your two cents' worth - just sit on your ass and read silently. As they say, if you can't do something right don't do it at all
Reply773 Comment(s)
Reply773 Comment(s)
Rashka [derogatory for Russia] is shit. My opinion. I lived there among the pigs and ran away, which I am happy about.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Personally, I don't feel any shame in standing up and defending my nation when people have just been flat out shitting all over it over a month! I am ashamed of all those who read all this nonsense about Russian pigs! Under no circumstances would I incite anyone to do anything there, I was just expressing my opinion, since we have democracy and now anyone can do anything. But when someone plainly spits in your face it is not easy to just silently wipe it off. There are a lot of bonehead nationalists among Russia's indigenous peoples, and many bullheaded people in far-flung villages in Kazakhstan, but it is still necessary to suppress this. If not for the actions taken by our authorities, who knows how the nationalist acrimony would have ended in Alma-ata in 1986, or in Korday in 2020
ReplyThey are goading you on purpose, you brainless nitwit.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Why does anyone need that vile dustpan [slang for USSR] with those redneck pigs? Let them pound each other in the glasses on their own.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I piss in Shitalin's [Stalin's] little mouth
Reply773 Comment(s)
But you, you Kazakh sheep, decided to put in your two cents' worth. Maybe making a brilliant display of brainpower? How's your one-on-one juvie battle going on there, or aren't you up to it?
Reply773 Comment(s)
A Russian clown seems to be getting on his high horse here.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Well, everything's clear with you cattle - to sum it up, you're good-for-nothings. As for me, I wouldn't go on any intelligence gathering missions with you bullshit artists! And you publishers, take a survey of real people who live in the city, in the land of the living - not with two correspondents over three days - and everything will be clear about whether we should reunite or not. Otherwise there are a couple of village rubes who hang out here and don't know "A" from "B". What kind of survey is that? It's bullshit
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's for sure....THANK YOU, GRANDFATHER, FOR YOUR VICTORY [in WWII]!!! And it's not important who your grandfather is - Russian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Tajik....All of you shared the same piece of bread equally in the trenches. But you, our dear grandfathers, don't read the comments made by your grandkids and great-grandkids so that you won't be bitter, and ashamed of them.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I take a USSShit on the USSR
Reply773 Comment(s)
Glory to Ukraine! Disgrace to piggish Moskal [slang for Moscow/Muscovites]
ReplyAnd what is Ukraine so proud of exactly? Just of the West inviting seasonal workers for farm work, and Ukrainians are happy about it. All industries have been shattered. All jobs are under the table. Nobody pays taxes; chicken feed pensions. Utilities are the most expensive throughout the CIS. I don't get it what people are so happy about. Freedom... This freedom is worse than serfdom. It is freedom, coupled with slavery. You want to live - go work for peanuts. No jobs in your country - slave yourself over in the West. The exploitation of man by man didn't exist in the USSR. Everyone worked for the country. The state provided housing one way or another, but education and healthcare were free. People were confident in the future and felt safe. Yes, the majority doesn't want the USSR back, but I wish higher education and healthcare were still free. And look at the public debt load. Many families apply for a mortgage and then pay twice as much for their flats. Is it fair?
Reply773 Comment(s)
When Hitler attacked the USSR, those brave Russian heroes skedaddled so quickly that the Germans barely caught up with them - only near Moscow. And in Moscow itself panic erupted. Generals took their things and bolted deep into the country, Natashas [Russian women] ran to the hair salons to make themselves pretty to meet foreign eligible bachelors in all their glory. They were sick of their pig-faced bruises.
ReplyWithout the USA, Russia would lose
ReplyThere wasn't even any Russia then... It was the USSR!
Reply773 Comment(s)
You guessed fucking wrong, bastards. Or did you think that you can keep calmly screaming obscenities at Russians and that you would get off scot-free? Fucking wrong.
ReplyRussian, your ass just let loose its bombs :))
Reply773 Comment(s)
What do we need the decayed corpse of the USSR for? We're fine without it. Let the Russians feed their faces themselves with that, along with the corpse's worms. They like that.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Take off the crown before it's f---ed off with a shovel.
ReplyYeah, you did not have to introduce yourself. Everyone already realizes who you are.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Why spout such language? Foul-mouthed thing.
Reply773 Comment(s)
You spit and crumble without Russia. Now the Chinese are spitting on Almaty. What are you going to protect yourself with, wogs? Wear down Bek Air with its taped-up fuselage or take Fergana take a few skullcaps the year before last mercenaries from the Tajikistan-Afghanistan border acted carelessly, they shot at two rural settlements. The scribbler is intense provocation. But they didn't even venture out of the barns like their white asses. Go bathe the sheep crank out the bitch's ravings here.
ReplyWhat, did you drink too much hawthorn [tea], Russian tramp? You forgot how you used to jump around the birch trees with your naked, white butt hanging out.
ReplyWell, you guys are still hanging upside down from trees. So look who's talking...
ReplyRussian macaques are still swinging in the trees.
ReplySo it's something like how they call Asians monkeys.
ReplyIn Asia, Russians have the image of being pale-faced macaques
Reply773 Comment(s)
The United States and Europe defeated Hitler. Russia sucked.
ReplyEurope couldn't defeat Hitler because they were his accomplices. Look at the war prisoners' nationalities - all European peoples except Bulgaria and Serbia. And the US President openly said they would be helping the USSR if Europe was winning and vice versa. That's why they didn't open up the Second Front for four years. And they had to open it because they were afraid of the USSR conquering Europe and wouldn't invite them to get their share. But the USSR is not only the RSFSR but the other 14 republics that should be proud of their victory. It's not just Russians but all the peoples of the Soviet Union. And the uproar going on now is crystal clear: sowing discord between the peoples, letting them shower themselves with obscenities and dirt - divide and conquer. Let them kill each other like in Ukraine. And they want the same for Central Asia. The fewer people the more resources our enemies will acquire. And we have one enemy - the parasitic West fed that the whole world feeds.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Your ugly-American sheep were sitting and waiting. Who will do who first like those prostitutes. Lord, forgive all of us alike. But when our grandfathers went to Berlin, they joined up with the English cattle. Quick, read history, moron. A point for those monkeys, they threw the atomic bomb on the slit-eyed people and their dense stupidity when those sneaky narrow people decided to pounce on the Russians, who had been weakened by the war. Go study history, sheep. THANK YOU FOR THE VICTORY, GRANDFATHER!!
Reply773 Comment(s)
Don't you see, you half-wit, what fucking Trump - and what war, you thick-headed sheep! You're basically an uneducated ape to be writing such nonsense! You would drag Zimbabwe in here too to lay on the nonsense. I'm in shock there are such nutjobs
Reply773 Comment(s)
No one needs that rotten USSR. The lousy empire collapsed for a reason.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Muslims, you're celebrating your holy month right now, yet here you're spouting hate and writing nasty things about Russians. Is it your faith that allows you to hate other nationalities like that? What kind of pious Muslims are you after that? A true person of faith wouldn't behave that way. Someone is deliberately using false stories and disinformation to incite animosity among Nazis, while you're also enthusiastically trying. Are you humans or monsters?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Trump congratulated the victorious powers on [the Anniversary of] the defeat of Hitler's Germany. He didn't mention the USSR and Russia. It means Russia has nothing to do with this victory, I concur with the USA and Trump.
Reply773 Comment(s)
What, has that scared tiny crumb come out of his bunker to restore the Soviet Union?
Reply773 Comment(s)
The Union is possible, but the rules should be different
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russians, there's no vodka here. Go home. Take a hike.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Is it possible to think of the Crimea as Russian? Of course not. According to all laws and UN standards, Crimea is Ukrainian.
ReplyCrimea is ours
Reply773 Comment(s)
Hutin Puylo. [a derogatory letter swap that roughly means "Putin The F..ker"]
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russians living in Uzbekistan are subjected to violent humiliation and purges by the authorities. Also, there's a forced nationalism perpetrated by Uzbeks (the Uzbek language is mandatory, both spoken and written). There's prejudice against Russian-speaking race in full swing.
ReplyYou are lying, wretch. You are the most ungrateful, disgusting nation. Go f... yourselves with your USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Glory to the USA, death to swinish Russia! Good job, Ukraine; they got tough with these failed "Novorosses"
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russians, get the f... out.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin has stirred up Muslim shit. It stinks all over the Internet )))))
ReplyThese are Soviet jerkoffs raising a stink with their rotten USSR )))
ReplyWhat do Soviet jerkoffs have to do with it? The reek comes from the Asians. And I am the master of the whole country.
ReplyYou have Putin for brains.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Now Asians have turned on their shit fountain.
Reply773 Comment(s)
What hogwash
Reply773 Comment(s)
Putin is a jerkoff!
Reply773 Comment(s)
A pensioner killed his WWII veteran buddy on the eve of Victory Day. That's Russia for you.
ReplyAnd in Kazakhstan, a Kazakh kid stabbed his father and mother to death on the eve of Victory Day. That's Kazakhstan for you.
ReplyThat means it was a Russian 100%
ReplyNo, it was a Kazakh 100%. Read about it on the Internet.
ReplyCan you provide a link? Otherwise, that was a Russian
Reply773 Comment(s)
Who in the world needs your chronically drunk Russia. Putin wrecked his own country and then he decided to come after us. IT WON'T HAPPEN
ReplyThat's true. It would be great if someone walled him up in that bunker.
ReplyThere's nothing left to rob [in your country] anymore
ReplyWe have everything we need for life. That's why you are pestering us with your USSR, like beggars
Reply773 Comment(s)
Vatniks [derogatory slang for Russians] think people need their flimsy, criminal, impoverished, plundered Nazi Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Take a hike with your you-ess-ess-are
Reply773 Comment(s)
Kazakhstan Russia....that would be wonderful!!!!!
ReplyFat chance. We are not selling out on our independence.
ReplyHey, Nazarbayev sold all of you out along with your sham independence.
ReplyMake sure Putin does not sell you out
ReplyHowever, Putin was not on trial in England for the mansions he paid stolen money for. It's your Nazarbaev family who fucked up royally. Nonetheless, you are still protecting them, zombie slaves.
ReplyPutin is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
ReplyIsn't Nazarbaev just as crooked?
ReplyNazarbayev is well-respected in England and the USA. And Putin has the reputation of a war criminal
ReplyWell-respected in England and the USA? Is he also respected in Kazakhstan? There is no other nation that hates its president so much. Every other person wishes him dead. The day he dies will become a national celebration.
ReplyThat is not the case. Nazarbayev is respected and appreciated in Kazakhstan. Internet comments and Kremlinbots don't count.
ReplyYou are either a moron or a blind and deaf creature. Another option is that you are a nurbot [nurbots are bots praising Nursultan Nazarbaev and his every word or decision].
ReplyIf you deny how Putin's ratings have plummeted then you are a mixed-up clodhopper
Reply773 Comment(s)
You can build your USSR in your kitchen. But you don't need to come to our country with that crap.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Wash yourselves off, you half-baked idiots, I did you three times over, ha-ha! And think about it 100 times before you start bitching at Vasya. And so the coronavirus will blow over, and so will the sadness, and the happiness. ["we are together" in Kazakh, not Russian]
Reply773 Comment(s)
500 dollars. When people come to Uzbekistan they take a monthly salary in Kazakhstan and exchange it for two million seven hundred thousand so'ms at the exchange office! A loaf of bread costs forty thousand so'ms. How many bags of money do I have to drag to the market to buy myself groceries for a week in your awesome economy?
Reply773 Comment(s)
All the February strawberries from Kokand, watermelons, melons, March cherries from Namangan, the Fergana Valley - all of that is on the markets in Irkutsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk. It sells for two to three times more than in Kazakhstan.
ReplyIt's because in Russia the civil servants and police are corrupt.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In Russia the number of those infected with the coronavirus has gone beyond 200,000! This is because of the total breakdown in healthcare, science, and Putin's thieves in power.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Good for you that you got your ass into the Czech Republic and made some cash. And should we also bring cabbage and potatoes from Aktau, or fish from Atyrau, to the Czech Republic, or watermelon and melons in May, or should we also bring potatoes from Omsk to the Czech Republic in September [the "from the Czech Republic" in the last bit most likely a typo]
ReplyUzbekistan does not sell anything to Russia. It's Russia that sells its junk here.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russian pensioners scrounging for food in dumpsters. Poverty in Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's exactly it...a shock. And the fact that every Muslim thinks it's an honor to screw a donkey is now the norm, and not shocking. They used to keep donkeys in every yard for this purpose.)))))
ReplyAnd Russians keep swine and goats for that )))
ReplyPeople keep pigs for their meat, and goats for meat and milk. Donkeys are kept for sex. That is because Muslims' wives are pregnant their whole lives and don't put out for their men.
ReplyI have read that they keep these Ivan lads for sex ))
ReplyIt speaks only to your stupidity. Keep screwing your donkey and dreaming that its name is Ivan.
ReplyHow many pigs did you screw today?
ReplyGo ... yourself, you jackass. I am a woman. You are the one screwing pigs and donkeys.
ReplyThat means you are a breeding sow
ReplyYour mom is a breeding sow.
ReplyYou're not my mom.
ReplyNaturally... I am not a breeding sow.
ReplyYou are a totally innate breeding sow
Reply773 Comment(s)
Farmers from a collective farm in Turkestan in Shymkent [Turkestan] Province are crying out. Our cabbage is dying, and we are becoming impoverished! If we sold it in Kazakhstan we would need for every person to eat 20 kg of cabbage per day. This is on live TV, Eurasia News. Open up the border with Russia! Is there a better way to answer this website's question as to whether we need Russia or not?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Nazarbayev created the Eurasia Union. Islam Karimov ditched it and shut down the border, as if America would help. America does not know what Uzbekistan even is at all. Conclusion. Uzbeks sweep the streets of Russia and slog away for 20 hours [a day] like donkeys. It's good that Shavkat put an end to this in time, opened up the borders, and so on. Perhaps people will breath a sigh of relief.
ReplyDon't lie. We don't go to Russia that much anymore. Uzbekistan's economy is getting better. Soon we won't even bother looking at your Rasha [derogatory slang for Russia]
Reply773 Comment(s)
Agreed. As of last year I no longer travel to Russia. We found work in the Czech Republic. It's far but to make up for it, our income doubled, life is much better, and people respect one another everywhere.
ReplyWhat a boor and lowlife you are. With such rotten comments you're on your own, don't show your foreign filthy snout. I feel sorry for you.
ReplyHe is just a filthy Nazi. He is banging his mug against every wall because he is angry that the Russians are banging him in every orifice
ReplyRussians are the main Nazis
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russians are all rear-wheel drive. We're not on the same road as people like that. )))
ReplyYou and donkeys are birds of a feather. You like them more.:)))
ReplyAnd you're birds of a feather with swine and breeding hogs. Which you have instead of girlfriends :))
ReplyOn the other hand, your "pretty" friends...are bow-legged and foul-smelling.
ReplyYour girlfriends are 100-kilo stinky breeding sows.
ReplyAnd aren't fat Kazakh women stinky breeding sows. They certainly are breeding sows. They keep breeding without limits
ReplyRussians are breeding sows. There is a term "rusish shvain" ["Russisches Schwein" - "Russian swine" in German]
ReplyYour mothers are breeding sows. They have bred a bunch of dimwits.
ReplyRussian breeding sows give birth to creeps and imbeciles because of booze.
ReplyAnd Muslim breeding sows have given birth to dimwits even without the booze.
Reply773 Comment(s)
At a session of the Supreme Soviet in New York, Khrushchev took off his shoe and banged it on the podium, shouting, how can you make a move on the Soviet Union, I'll show you what's what! The [member] states were there. Everyone at the session was silent. In 1991 two plans were built simultaneously, the CIS broke up the USSR and the unification of the United States. Now they dictate conditions to us. Conclusion. The more unified the country the more it inspires fear. I think that's clear even to a fool.
ReplyThat's it. It's purely a sickness of Russians. Living in shit and destitution just so you can "inspire fear" in someone. No one understands you.
ReplyI live very well and not in poverty. Imagine that.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR is a rotten topic, people. And no one needs it, except for packs of aging zombies.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Everything changes in this fleeting world! But the meaning doesn't change the topic! You're giving me arguments, I'm giving you facts! I'm for Russia, you're against it. The common people and all that agree. But I haven't gotten a straight answer to a single question. OK. If we're so self-sufficient, how come we can't irrigate our fields in Shymkent all by ourselves? Let's move away from politics and switch to farmers.
ReplyEven the Belarusians have sent you packing and don't want any union with Russia.
ReplyThere's a problem with the water there because the USSR decimated the Aral Sea.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia means pus, rot, poverty, insanity, a lack of roads and hospitals, dominance of police force, junta, backwardness, theft, and endless prisons.
ReplyI suppose your Uzbekistan is better?
ReplyClueless jerk, Uzbekistan fed thousands of refugees during the war. So respect our country. We don't want any USSR.
ReplyWhat better than Kazakhstan... With its 30-year old Nazarbayev regime. Where even the trousers on the Kazakhs' asses belong to Nazarbayev.)))))
ReplyIn Russia you can't even fart without the FSB's permission. It's a country of serf lackeys.:))
ReplyThese comments are boring, obscene and shortsighted. I'm already figuring out which way the wind blows. What fools!
ReplyIf it stinks, it's from Russia
Reply773 Comment(s)
This chubby Korean is dead.
Reply773 Comment(s)
When the Korean put a nuclear missile on the seashore just for fun, the Americans couldn’t sleep for days, trying to negotiate with him, and he told them to bug off. And then he told them to bug off again during the negotiations! What did they do? Stuck their tongues in their asses. What imagined scenario are you writing about, dear sir?
Reply773 Comment(s)
The United States carried out a simulation of a 100-megaton nuclear bomb being dropped on Moscow. According to this data, even the neighboring cities will suffer. Fuming coals will be the only thing remaining from Moscow.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Those who want the USSR can go to North Korea. Only you can’t make them go there. Instead, they’re making their way into the United States and Europe in a herd of millions.
Reply773 Comment(s)
And if it weren’t for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, from Russia by the way, you’d still be sitting in your yurts, sharing your black and white bones. Now, thanks to his policy, also from Russia by the way, you’re turning up your noses and writing nonsense. But everything is clear with you, you’re just barbaric idiots, lackeys. If it were up to me, you’d be stupidly herding your sheep, with your stupid opinion. But unlike you, Internet ghouls, Nursultan Abishevich and Kasym Tokayev think logically and correctly. The policy of uniting all nations together and the integrating states as a whole proves it.
ReplyThey'd still prefer to herd wild sheep and go take a dump behind the yurt, just a little farther away from the Russians.)))))
ReplyRun along and go take a dump behind the hut in the swamp and wipe yourself with the chumps. )))
ReplyWhat, does the truth hurt? You are still savages. You spit up phlegm onto your own feet like camels. :)))))
ReplyAre these Russians civilized? They can beat kids or parents when they're drunk, they're total fascists and drug addicts, and gay also. :)))
ReplyAnd are Kazakhs any better? They kill and use drugs just the same..And what about gays....That shouldn't affect anyone at all. Let them live the way they want, as long as they don't show it off in public. Personally, I divide people into just two nations....people and savages.
ReplyI have never heard that a Kazakh got drunk and killed his parents. In Russia, that happens a lot.
ReplyWhat, nobody gets killed except for parents?
ReplyI have only heard of Russians killing their parents
ReplyA son murdered his parents in Almaty Province - In Almaty Province a woman ordered the murder of her own son...These are just the latest reports. And these are Kazakhs. You can look it up online. Do don't go telling me tales about what great people the Kazakhs are.
ReplyA great many Russians live in Almaty province. They are the ones who usually commit criminal offenses when they are drunk.
ReplyAnd it's fine that there are a great many Russians there. Otherwise, Almaty would have turned into a huge, shitty aul [a village in Central Asia].
ReplyOn the contrary, everything turns into the garbage with Russians because they are a nation of swine
ReplyGive me a break.....
Reply773 Comment(s)
Let them create the USSR in Russian villages. They really need the USSR over there.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Name at least one country that will go to war with Russia. Based on the fact that Trump is reaching his hand out to Putin during the negotiations, Ukies? Their two collective farms, Luhansk and Donbass, have been whipped into line, they haven't been able to do anything for 8 years. Well? One country, at least? Ahhh, I get it, you’ll pelt it to death with letters from the net. So sit on your asses, my dears, eat beshbarmak, and stop talking sh*t, like we say in Russian.
ReplyKeep slurping your cabbage soup with your bast shoes full of holes and don’t bother us with your foul, rotten Soviet Union.
ReplyYes, Kazakhs are deprived of their rights in their own country. The government plundered the country, while these clowns just fling crap at their wealthy landowners online.
ReplyThe fact is that the Russians were plunged into the so-called stay-at-home order; they aren't even receiving money. At least in Kazakhstan they're being paid something.
ReplyThey don't pay a thing there. Only a few people received that pitiful handout. But the government's benevolence was hyped all over the world. Doctors from at-risk areas were promised supplemental payments, but they were given the finger. Doctors are being dismissed in droves. Kazakhstan sure is crap.
ReplySeveral million people received payouts. But in Russia they're getting flipped the bird.
ReplyYou learned about several million from the boob tube? You found the right people to believe. And most of the people who got that were alkies and slackers that scraped together 2,600 to make a payment. My son works at a factory, 1500 people went on unpaid leave, and not one of them got that handout. And our neighbors are alkies, have never worked anywhere since they were born. They got it.
ReplyWe are Muslims, we don't have any alcoholic relatives. And almost everyone has received their documents if they submitted them correctly and on time. Question: how much do they pay in Russia?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Brothers, there is not long left to wait. As soon as this fall comes, a grave crisis will break out in Russia, the entire gangster elite will leave and Russia will become a democratic country.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I used to think that Putin had lost his mind a long time ago, but he seems to be a smart guy. He canceled the parade during the epidemic. It would not have been canceled during the USSR, even if the cities would have died out later.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The USSR is a country of drunks.
Reply773 Comment(s)
It's good that Kazakhstan and China have good relations. As long as there is China, Russia won’t meddle in here.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Kazakhstan is against Russia and the ingrained Soviet mentality. Let them first resurrect the millions of those killed in the Holodomor, these criminals.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I am for Kazakhstan joining Russia. Otherwise, it'll be joining China.
ReplyBetter China than this Russia.
ReplyAnd why are the Oralmans fleeing from there then? How many Kazakhs have left for Russia? You hate Russians so much that you’re willing to lick the Chinese’s ass.
ReplySo suck up to your Putler and Kadyrov. Who opposes that?
ReplyFor the record, I live in Kazakhstan, and I've seen enough of Kazakhs. You're all Nazis and you hate Russians.It goes without saying that you don't need to join [Russia]. Your foul tails will then be caught.
ReplyWhy don't you live in Russia? They hate you Russians everywhere. For now, they tolerate you in Kazakhstan. But you need to be crushed here too, just like the fascists were.
ReplyIt's you Nazis who need to be crushed. Scumbags.
ReplyRussians are Nazis. They're putting pressure on you everywhere.
ReplyYou don't need to open your mouth at Russians, scum. You still have not forgotten how to shit behind your yurt, but you already think that you have become a man. You remain the savages that you were.
ReplyRussians always went into the swamp behind their flimsy huts to defecate. To this day, you gulp down your food using bast sandals
ReplyIt's better in a swamp than behind a yurt. Everything is befouled in Kazakh auls [villsages]
ReplyOnly alkies and degenerates live in Russian villages
Reply773 Comment(s)
It turns out people in Russia are not being paid anything during quarantine. What are they living off of? In Kazakhstan, everyone gets $100 a month. Independence is better.
ReplyGive me a break, you don't need to lie so blatantly. Of everyone who applied, only 25% were approved. But many people didn't get approved.
ReplyEveryone who should have received money did, including me and the people I know. But how much are people getting in Russia? Zero?
ReplyI'll say it again, enough with the lying. Nazarbayev stooges.
ReplyYou're the ones who are lying, Putin's Kremlinbots
ReplyI live in Kazakhstan, and don't try to pull the wool over my eyes. And when you are licking Tokayev's and Nazarbayev's asses, don't forget to smack your lips with pleasure.
ReplyScram off back to Russia, and lick Putin's ass out the wazoo, and suck off Kadyrov
ReplyYou won't see it comes to pass. I was born in Kazakhstan, and will keep living here. I don't take orders from every jerk.
ReplyIf you love Russia, go to Russia - what's the problem
ReplyDream on. You are more likely to die before I leave.
ReplyWe will kick ass
Reply773 Comment(s)
I think that if Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania attack Russia from the north, since they are NATO members and they have good weapons. Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan will move their forces in from the west. They will definitely be helped as much as possible by the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, and Turkey. Armies from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan will attack from the south. Siberia and Tatarstan will immediately be lopped off, and Bashkortostan and Siberia will declare their independence.
ReplyThen China will capture all of Siberia, which will make it even stronger. The USA will not allow that. The Siberian issue should be resolved together with South Korea, Japan, and China. So that it does not entirely belong to any one party. They should develop these territories jointly, based on democratic rules.
ReplyOne shouldn’t count on Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev is Putin’s sidekick. What attack could there be?
ReplyIt's Tokayev now, not Nazarbayev. The important thing is that he'll support the people. We're sick and tired of Russia and its nationalism. It should solve its own problems at home, which are through the roof.
ReplyWho should be supported? Tokayev? Who renamed Astana without anyone asking him. And they will make the decision to join Russia without you, if that is needed. You are slaves to enrich your landowners. Sit back down, and stop talking nonsense.
ReplyTokayev is against Russia. You need to listen to his speeches in Kazakh - he speaks well in those ))
ReplySo why doesn't he say it in Russian? Behind the Russians' backs. Nazi scumbags.
ReplyWhy should everyone know Russian?
ReplyWe know that Kazakhs are Nazis and scum. But Tokayev doesn't say that in Russian because he's trying to score points. Like rats, you all are yapping behind Russians' backs.
ReplyKazakhs are no match for Russian Nazis. The whole world hates and despises you. And Tokayev has no reason to fear Russia.
ReplyWhy would he fear Russia? Nazarbaev used to eat out of Putin's hand. Now Tokaev took his place. You can only quietly giggle behind Russian's back. You have no guts to say it openly aloud.
ReplyNazarbayev had already gotten involved in politics when Putin was carrying suitcases for Sobchak and helped Ksyusha Sobchak's blow her nose
Reply773 Comment(s)
Now a question for Kazakhstan. If China invades Kazakhstan without announcing it, just like the USA (Iraq, Libya), then like it or not Kazakhstan will have to appeal to Russia for help. 2. To keep land in southern Kazakhstan from drying up, it is necessary to negotiate with Kyrgyzstan! Conclusion. Independence, that is, self-reliance, means total self-restraint and self-determination, but since 40% of the time you have to ask other republics for support in certain areas anyway, what kind of independence do you have; so take your independence and shove it up your a**.
ReplyKazakhstan will ask for help from Turkey and the USA. Russia is a weak state incapable of defending itself, and it is our enemy.
ReplyWhat are you going on about... This is Kazakhstan's independence. Residents of Kazakhstan prefer to lick their khan’s ass. It's justthat the khan doesn’t consider them to be people. For him, they are cattle, a tool for stuffing his pockets. Nobody takes people into account. Astana was renamed, who took into account the people’s opinion? The other day, the airport was sold in Almaty. Who did they ask? And all because all of Kazakhstan belongs to this ghoul, Nazarbayev, and his family. And all the people are his slaves. What independence are you still clinging to? You haven't had it for a long time. If Nazarbayev or the current bastards who are now in power could benefit personally, they would sell all of Kazakhstan to whoever pays the most. And the Kazakhstanis here are busting their asses for their nation and independence. Zombie people.
ReplyYou'd be better off if you stopped kissing Putin's butt and those of his Jewish oligarchs. Then you'll teach someone a lesson.
ReplyI don't live in Russia. So go to..... Oh yes...You don't need to shut my mouth up. I say whatever I think needs to be said, regardless of where I live.
Reply773 Comment(s)
30% of Russians can't afford to buy footwear for each season. And that survey was from last year. It's probably worse now. Is there really that kind of poverty there?
ReplyYes, Russia is as poor as other countries in the CIS.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Poland is considering a law to return the lands taken by Minin, Pozharsky, and Bulba; since in fact it is their property, and Hungary is also considering it. They will take it away, and there will be three vegetable patches and a toilet left! Therefore, joining these beggars is out of the question.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I haven't seen a single Chinese person in Kazakhstan in 40 years. Even the coronavirus didn't come to us from China. But from Russia and Europe
Reply773 Comment(s)
Right now, efforts need to be concentrated on replacing Putin. After that, a civil war will start in Russia and the country will fall apart. And, with that, only then will all these people fantasizing about the Soviet Union calm down.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Ukraine needs to create a bloc of eastern European countries, including Ukraine itself, Poland, the Czech Republic, and most likely Belarus and the Baltic countries. Central Asia needs a bloc with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkey. Then Russia won't stick in its nose anymore. And even the collapse of Russia needs to be initiated.
ReplyGeorgia will also join.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In 1991, when the USSR started falling apart, no Soviet person came forth to defend it apart from a small number of activists. For example, the journalist Nevzorov - but he has now changed his views, and is an opponent of the Putin regime.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The money was taken by Kyrgyzstan, that's a fact! And don't go referring to the past and getting fixated on individual personalities! Forgive me, but my wife can't see past her own breasts. Based on everything I have laid out below, answer the question directly: do we need to be integrated or not? Will Kazakhstan be able to independently repel the Chinese with what Kazakhstan already has? Does Kazakhstan have reserves of irrigation water for its southern regions? And don't go talking in circles.
ReplyKazakhstan should resolve these problems jointly with China, Turkey, and other developed countries - and without Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
We will not forget, and we will not forgive! All of the crimes of the red-asses and bloody maniac Stalin. The USSR has kicked the bucket once and for all.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Last year they pulled American aircraft technology out of KANT! They sold Russian planes and took $24 billion in monetary aid from RUSSIA (data from Kyrgyz media outlets). Question: why was this done, and why did they take the money if they're all INDEPENDENT ON PRINCIPLE???
ReplyWhat 24 billion dollars? Russia doesn't have that kind of money
ReplyСhoke on that money, you Russians.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In 1993, Soviet republics declared their INDEPENDENCE, meaning their right to self-determination. In March 2019, Bishkek went for 3 days without electricity, to say nothing of the surrounding rural settlements and the country on the whole. During that time, thousands of hectares of fields dried up in Chui Province that had already been sown, as did lands in Shymkent Province that are irrigated with the terminal tributary of the Talas River, which itself originates in the Kirov Reservoir in Kyrgyzstan! Question: could these two countries solve the issue INDEPENDENTLY, that is, ON THEIR OWN??? Not taking into account the fact that Kazakhstan allocated and sent [Kyrgyzstan] electricity, but Kyrgyzstan raised the water intake control gate slightly to extend the distance it would take the water to get to its final destination. Question 2: do we need reunification, or are we going to try to feather our own nests?
Reply773 Comment(s)
In 2010, here in Kyrgyzstan we caught a Russian saboteur who was supplying weapons to both Uzbeks and Kyrgyz so that they could kill more of each other. After the events in Osh, Russia was able to open a base in Kyrgyzstan. They need to be kicked out of there.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The border with China, it's a fact, runs behind Almaty! Now, a question? Can Kazakhstan repel a Chinese attack on its own with what it has right now? Why did they put up Russian checkpoints when mercenaries were massing on the border of Afghanistan and started to make short, provocative incursions from their side and back again into villages in Jalalabad Province, Kyrgyzstan - and across the borders of Tajikistan? ARE THEY THEMSELVES TOO WEAK? I won't go on - even though there's a boatload of questions! At least answer them using facts, and throw out the stuff about forced famines, exaggerating how the Russian language was used in Soviet schools, and these hogs who stole, steal, and will continue to steal regardless of nationality???
ReplyRussia is not capable of defending its own Siberia and Far East from China.
ReplyAnd what is capable of defending Kazakhstan? It doesn't even have a normal army. The only thing that they can do in the event of an attack is to show off their asses to the Chinese. What an impoverished, bankrupt country of slaves.
ReplyLook who's talking. Mongols screwed y'all back in the day. And you call yourselves Kazakhs and fight for ethnic purity. Have you seen yourselves in the mirror? What the hell do you have to do with Kazakhs?
ReplyEverybody and their uncle screwed Russians. Even Ukrainians don't consider you Slavs. You are the descendants of Finno-Ugric peoples and Tatars.
ReplyCome ooooooon....... Really? Who would have thought that.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In Estonia, a teacher earns 1,000 euros per month. In Russia, that figure is out of people's grasp. If these were Soviet times, Russia would be even poorer.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia and the USSR are the same, penal colonies that only robbed the republics. While Russians lived high on the hog while other nations were working. That's what the USSR was. We don't need that for free.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I am for unification with Russia. After all, Kyrgyzstan has become complete rubbish. Before China takes us over because of debt.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I think that Putin wants to be the emperor of the USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I think that Putin wants to be the emperor of the USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
First. On April 19, 2019 disbursements to the Baltics (Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia) stopped - and now they are begging themselves. 1. Islam Karimov: Only Tashkent is alive, with only women and children left in the countryside, and men are sweeping courtyards in Russia and slogging for 20 hours [a day] in Kazakhstan for bread and water. 3. Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan are basically pigsties, they've latched onto the EEU. 4. Mykola Pashinyan straddles both sides of the fence. 5. Kazakhstan got rid of its nuclear weapons and went under Russia's shield. 6. Lukashenko is not pleased, but he will not abandon the EEU. 7. Ukraine: may it rest in peace! 8. Volodya Putin is not asking for anything from anyone, but on the contrary, is asking [if he can help others]. CONCLUSION. If you don't want to live together, live as you used to. It's all just stupid.
ReplyWell it's you, friend, who made everything up about Russia. Although I would expect that from a Russian. Russians have lied, and will keep lying their entire lives.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I remember how they all but ignored the Uzbek language at our school. On the other hand, for some reason the Russian language and literature were important topics, although I don't need Russian literature for a song. Let whoever wants to read it. Why did they force grade school students to learn all this useless pulp literature.
ReplyYou're right, that's enough
Reply773 Comment(s)
Yes, the Soviet Union was a rotten prison of peoples.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia itself needs to be divided up already. And sent down the path of its beloved USSR.
Reply773 Comment(s)
And it's also a fact that if it were not for the exiled nobles who taught the people of Kazakhstan their first formal writing skills, and not for the Russian first-aid carriages that traveled across the steppes in 1937 healing chronic smallpox and chickenpox in yurts...These days everyone's a genius, but facts are facts. So draw your conclusions, gentlemen!
ReplyAnd you don't want to remember the forced famine that took away 100 times more lives.
Reply773 Comment(s)
I am for all the former Soviet republics reuniting!
Reply773 Comment(s)
Shut your piehole, you swine.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In Kazan, police detained supporters of resurrecting the Soviet Union. Source: Even in Russia they harass dustpans [slang for people who long for the Soviet Union]
Reply773 Comment(s)
Only foreign rule can save Russia. Preferably by the USA.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Our people will not allow ourselves to be once again driven into a penal colony called the Soviet Union. They robbed us for 70 years, and that's enough. Let the Russians learn to make their own money and feed themselves without us. Or let them give us Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Beat it with your shitty USSR
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia doesn't need foreign resources and natural wealth - it has more of its own than you can shake a stick at in Siberia. But there needs to be a referendum on resurrecting the Soviet Union, but only a new one that takes into account the mistakes made by the previous one. The future is with Russia, and not with the Anglo-Saxon world, with its LGBT and sexual depravity. Our children should not become gays and transvestites; we need shared human values, such as those indicated in the holy scriptures.
ReplyThey first need to hold a referendum in Chechnya and in the Caucasus, Siberia, Tatarstan, and Bashkortostan about seceding from Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
In order to be sovereign, you have to have a powerful army that provides security against foreign aggression, and for that you need a superior economy with a military industry, and for the latter you have to have enough intellectual capital cultivated from generation to generation.
ReplyThere is only once source of foreign aggression. And that is Russia. If there is no Russia, there will be no aggression.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Yes, definitely, [I am] for the resurrection of the USSR! This is the opinion of ordinary people. Only rich, spoiled social groups that are afraid of losing even a little power are against it.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The KGB, CPSU, Komsomol [Communist youth organization] - only agents surround you, history, culture, and religion are suppressed, there is an ideology-based economy, only Russian things are praised, only Russia manages everything, only Russian things are advertised, and everything is considered Russian [property]; ethnic minorities are not respected and insulted, Russians are backwards yet praised, the fundamental strategic economy is all in Russia, politics takes only Russian interests into account, there are all sorts of unnecessary union blocs, they live off of other republics and say so, their strategic policy on ethnic issues only considers Russian policy, national governments are pit against each other, and so on, and so on
Reply773 Comment(s)
Honestly, neither Russia nor the USSR looks interesting or attractive. It is not the USA, Europe, or Japan. Joining one of those would be a different story :)))
ReplyUh-huh. Ukraine has already joined...
ReplyThe process is underway. It is better to be with the West than an impoverished Russia.
ReplyYou were probably not satisfied with your stable pay and job. The once-a-year vacation across the entire country and Soviet schools and medicine.
ReplyIt's just that they didn't let you steal.
Only THIEVES, SWINDLERS, AND CON MEN were and are against the USSR.
The USSR is the prison of peoples
Reply773 Comment(s)
It's appealing only for Moskals [derogatory term for Muscovites], all other territories are powerless colonies, and besides, there's an assimilation policy!.. So go f-k yourselves!
Reply773 Comment(s)
It is a funny fact that mostly misfits and losers who know nothing about making money dream about the USSR. And successful people never want to go back to the Soviet Bunion.
ReplyOf course. The successful make money off real estate and seek medical treatment abroad. Because they're not really keen on visiting their own [nation's] doctors. No one is getting any mortality statistics from them. Or asking about the quality of treatment. Yeah, I won't even say a thing about groceries. Some people's are much better. It doesn't matter what they are producing or eating, as long as they are making money and are successful
ReplyWhat for? We have decent private doctors that don't charge that much.
Reply773 Comment(s)
There are many nationalists among Russians; we have seen it for ourselves in 70 years although there are many fine, educated, honest, decent and cultured people as well.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Interesting that after the dissolution of the USSR the GDP of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have grown nearly seven-fold while Russia's has only three-fold. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan specifically have benefited the most from the Soviet collapse. And these two countries have the most opponents of the USSR. Do not count the Baltic states and Ukraine. They outright hate the USSR. And even Belarus doesn't want a close union with Russia.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The Sovietpithecuses can't forget vodka for 5 rubles and kielbasa for 3.30.
Reply773 Comment(s)
The existing manufacturing base, thanks to competition from foreign manufacturers, has "ended" the dictate of high prices! There were no other manufacturers and zero competition!
Reply773 Comment(s)
I'd add to that: Russia should disintegrate itself and turn into a few competitive, proper, and peaceful countries
ReplyIf Russia disintegrates, then where on Earth will all these prostitute countries turn for help? When others, such as the USA, Europe, and other countries will have their way with them and tear them apart (it has been historically proven). The USA and Europe have no friends, only those they can have their way with (look at where they imposed their own order and made peace). As soon as they clamp down, they turn to Russia for help. Russia even defends their borders from terrorists.
ReplyRussia is a prostitute country indeed
Reply773 Comment(s)
Goloschekin is enough for us. Who do you want to use us as cannon fodder against, like in 1941-1945?
Reply773 Comment(s)
That's a crazy idea about restoring the USSR. All countries will start a war against Russia to resist occupation and annexation. And what's going to be left of Russia? It is already walking on thin ice.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Strangely, people mostly go to Russia to work, and all the former Soviet republics request help from that same country. And then they forget about that. Those who independently rob their own people need independence. It is the essence of independence, indeed.
ReplyThere's logic in this!
ReplyThe USSR? Well, it's a good idea.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Kyrgyzstan has no future without Russia, plain and simple
ReplyAnd without Kyrgyzstan and in general Russia has no future
Reply773 Comment(s)
What can anyone respect damn Russia for?
ReplyHistorically, Russia has never messed with anyone. It never went to war. But others did nothing but go on military campaigns against Russia, and when the attackers got slammed by Russia, Russia became a conqueror and a tyrant. And took their land. So they shouldn't have attacked if they didn't want to starve later. Russia brought death [you say], now shut it. And in other countries Tsarist Russia developed and built [infrastructure], brought literacy, education, medicine, industry, railways (who built them); and when they started to plant wheat in Kazakhstan (they still sell flour to everyone), they cultivated cornfields. Before you write, turn your brain on, look into history, and be intellectually honest!
ReplyRussia has always attacked others and been an occupier.
For us, the USA is not an enemy at all. Our enemy is the Russians.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Where does this hatred towards Russia come from?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Let this schmuck first muster up the courage to get out of his hole_bunker
Reply773 Comment(s)
Listen to what Russians are singing... They want the USSR. Maybe their fridges are empty. Work and sweat on your own! No one is going to feed you anymore.
Reply"We can develop light industry thanks to the groundwork the USSR left for us." These are the words of the Kazakh President! And he knows what he is talking about!
ReplyNazarbaev also used to say Russia took all the natural resources out of Kazakhstan. And that's a ton of money
ReplyAnd Russia also paid off its debts to the United States (they don't give away anything free - look at history) for its help during the war, and after the collapse of the USSR it did not ask [for repayment from] others and left all the property expropriated during the war with those countries. Ah, you slept through it. If there had been no victory, then peoples like those in Asia, and others, would not have existed. According to Nazi views, they were to be destroyed. They did not have the right to life.
ReplyAnd Russia also set up forced famines and radiation tests on people
ReplyBut there's something he's not saying: how many billions of dollars he smuggled out of Kazakhstan. I'm amazed at the people who still bust their asses for that thief and enemy of the people.
ReplyYou better count up how many trillions Putin has stolen
Reply773 Comment(s)
Has Putin lost his mind?
Reply773 Comment(s)
Moskals can shove their wet dreams about the USSR up their anus. Munch on a bean, Ivan, and don't be a bumpkin.
Reply773 Comment(s)
Russia can't live without countries feeding her. Russia drove itself into such impoverishment and needs to extricate itself from all these sanctions.
Reply773 Comment(s)
"Bishkek resident Aiya Aaly", haha. It is fake... haha... an amateurish article. Explain to me why everybody considers Lukashenko a dictator, but they "love" him as soon as he verbally attacks Moscow. That's how their politics are, but they keep telling us about "brainwashing" )) There's a hypothesis that it is Mambetova-Finkelstein from the USA, and her feelings are immensely "hurt" for her homeland :))
Reply773 Comment(s)
All comments are in Russian... haha. P.S. The "smartest" one will necessarily write their reply in a language other than Russian )))
Reply773 Comment(s)
It's also funny to read - we don't need any unions, and we are outraged oil prices go up... haha You are independent countries, aren't you? You know how to conduct policy. Or take the Baltics as an example - the population in Lithuania has decreased by 1.5 million since 1990, one million in Latvia, and 700,000 in Estonia. Just in 30 years. Oh, yes - that was an EU-backed Holodomor. There's no other possible explanation for such high mortality... And then Central Asian countries have not reached their 1990 GDP numbers in 30 years, let alone SAN construction and others except Zheltoksan )))
ReplyBut Russia is thriving indeed. During Putin's presidency three trillion petro-dollars have been received, siphoned off and hidden in Western banks and off-shores while they are telling impoverished Russians bogus stories about the Pechenegs they defeated :)))
ReplyFree people live in a free country: they eat where they want and work where they get paid more. For now. Would you recommend going to Moscow? A joker from the occupying tribe...
ReplyWhat hike in oil prices? Putin can't even find anybody to sell it to. No one is interested in Russian oil.
ReplyThree million petrodollars were received, and that caused the population in the Baltics to dwindle manyfold?! I don't understand the connection here ))
ReplyAnd isn't Russian population decreasing? Russia is one of the top three countries people emigrate from
Reply773 Comment(s)
People in Kazakhstan feel outraged - they will never change their khan for the world. Nothing is better than your own master
ReplyRussians are outraged. They forgive their khan Putin even for the anti-constitutional coup and the reset.
ReplyThis example with Russia is like answering "Right back at you!" ))
ReplyIt's just necessary to notice the log in your own eye instead of looking at the speck in someone else's ))
Reply773 Comment(s)
And not a word about Baltic countries. But we used to be in the USSR as well! It seems like everything is crystal clear about us. And it truly is. Lithuania was the first to announce secession from the USSR. Baltic countries want to be independent. Make no doubt about it.
ReplyI agree with you completely. Greetings from Ukraine!
Reply773 Comment(s)